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There was blood- everywhere. On the grass, in the water, on the cave walls and worst of all, on my paws. I killed so many lions and lionesses without a second thought. I ran through the savannah on a genocidal killing spree. My husband said it's either kill or be killed. My kingdom rested on my shoulders, my loyal subjects relied on me to protect them from all harm, my family, my friends, my allies, they all depended on me!

So I did it. Those who hurt me and my loved ones, I killed them. Those who betrayed me and my loved ones and joined the side of the enemy, I ended them. And those who invaded my home, threatened everything and everyone I held dear, I destroyed them. Without. A. Second. Thought. And those ones were many. Yes, there was a lot of blood. There was blood on my paws.

Kiara stood on the peak of Pride Rock, looking down into the savannah where the herds were grazing under the hot afternoon sun. They were vast in numbers and healthy as ever. The lush grass and abundant water supply did them good. After all this was the Pride Lands. The land fertile, the air was clean and the atmosphere was peaceful. But looks could be deceiving. Peaceful on the outside, troubled on the inside.

After the war between Cougar and his pride and the pride landers, things had never been the same. Lives were lost, blood was shed, sacrifices were made and family members were separated. Kiara's sister Tasha shamelessly betrayed her family and pride and joined the side of the enemy.

She was mated to Zayne, the sadistic son of Cougar and Isis, brother of Arsenal and Maana and the one responsible for the majority of lives that were lost.
Kiara would never forgive her sister. She didn't even deserve to be called that. A deceptive, manipulative, demented traitor would better fit her description. Her parents and brother felt the same way as did all the pride members. She would never ever again be welcomed in her former home.

"Excuse me your majesty,"
Kiara turned around and saw one of her lionesses Preshea standing behind her, her head bent respectfully.
"Yes what is it?" Kiara asked as she approached the lioness, her steps slow and intimidating.
"I apologize for interrupting you, but your parents request your presence in the Council Cave" Preshea said as she raised her head to look at Kiara, her aqua blue eyes held slight fear of her Queen.

"Thank you, I will be there momentarily. You may leave," Kiara said shortly.
"Yes your majesty," Preshea said as she bowed once more and left the platform, walking as quickly as possible. In the past, Preshea would have stayed a while longer to chat idly with Kiara, laughing and making jokes like old friends, but that was before the war three months earlier.

Kiara was not the same lioness now, as she was then. Now she was different.
Much more different.
Walking slowly off the platform she descended the steps and walked to the Council Cave, her head held up and her claws unsheathed. They were rarely sheathed. Ever since her sister backstabbed her so brutally, she made the decision to never again be caught unawares. To always be on guard, to always, always be prepared.

She entered the cave and saw her parents sitting there with her parents in-law, all with solemn expressions on their faces.
"Kiara glad you could make it," Simba said motioning for his daughter to have a seat.
"Thank you Father, you all requested my presence so I had to come," she said in a polite voice, strained but polite.

"We have some things to discuss with you dear, let Kovu come first and then we'll begin the meeting," Nala said from her place next to Simba.
"There's no need for that I'm already here,"
Kiara turned around and saw her husband standing at the cave's entrance. Her beloved husband.
"Thank you for coming Kovu," Nala said. "Have a seat we'll begin the meeting, won't take long."

So Kovu entered the cave and took a seat next to Kiara.
"How are you my love?" he asked looking at her.
"I'm fine, I just have some stress on my mind, other than that I'm fine," she murmured.
"Hmm I see, clearly you need something to relieve your stress. After this I'll take care of you, I'll make you feel better. Would you like that?" he asked as he trailed his lips across her neck.

"Yes please," she said softly.
"Okay once this meeting is over, I have to meet with Kion and Rani to discuss some pressing matters then you and I will have the rest of the afternoon for ourselves. Sounds good?" he whispered.
"Yes that sounds good," Kiara replied. "I need some hard core stress relief."

"Alright Simba what did you all wish to discuss with us?" Kovu asked reverting back to his normal voice. Professional, calm and slightly serious.
"You both are what we need to discuss. It's been three months since the war and for you two it seems as though it were yesterday!" Nala exclaimed. "Forget everything, move on, live your lives like you did before!"

"We'd be complete fools to forget everything Mother, Tasha deceived us and joined the side of the enemy, we'll never forget such a betrayal Never!" Kiara said plainly.
"That's true but we're not talking about Tasha," Burnt Eboney said.
"Well what are you talking about?" Kovu inquired.

"We're not getting any younger Kovu. Simba, Nala, your father and I, we would love to see Kiara pregnant, to have her give birth to our grandcubs," Diana spoke up for the first time since Kiara and Kovu arrived. "You must be yearning to have your little ones, to raise them and cherish them."

"Yes Kovu, you and Kiara have been so preoccupied with ruling the kingdom, protecting the pride and everyone else. You need to take a break and start your family, have your cubs," Nala told them.
"We waited for so long to have our grandcubs in our paws, to love them, to spoil them, to keep them with us and best of all, to give them the grandmotherly and grandfatherly love and affection they deserve," Simba said smiling at his daughter and son-in-law.

"I want our cubs Daddy, I really do, I want to carry them in my womb, I want to give birth to them and I want them to have the best life Kovu and I could provide. But I'm scared," Kiara whimpered. "Scared of the past coming back to haunt us, to hurt and harm us and...for those... Those monsters to put my cubs' lives in danger. I'm scared of the things they can do and of the power they hold."

"Darling it's fine, it's okay to feel such apprehension when you're about to start a family. Especially when you've been hurt," Nala said soothingly as she rose up and went to hug her daughter.
"Your mother's right honey, you have all rights to feel that way. It's your maternal love that's speaking," Simba said gently as he too rose to comfort Kiara.

"You want to protect your cubs and ensure they're sheltered from all things bad. Those are the qualities of a strong female who has the capability to become a mother."
"They're right baby, it's time to forget the past and move on from it. Time for us to start our new life," Kovu said to his wife.

"Life after the fall is not easy, but with us working as a couple, we will not only rise above the pain and treasonous acts committed against us, but we will also learn to live again."
"You're right my love. It's time for acceptance. As a wise old monkey once said, 'The past can hurt, but the way I see it, we can either run from it, or learn from it'," Kiara said smiling.

"Living life after the fall comes with challenges of all sorts, but we will succeed in our endeavour to rise above it," Kovu said determinedly.
"Well if the council meeting is over, would you all excuse us please?" Kiara asked politely.
"What for sweetheart?" asked Nala. "Are you okay?"

"Kovu and I have some pressing matters to attend to," Kiara replied.
"Such as?" Kovu inquired.
"Starting our family of course, didn't you hear our parents? They want cubs to spoil," Kiara giggled.
"Ohh well why didn't you say so? In that case let's get started," Kovu said chuckling.
"How many cubs would you like, my King?"
"As many as your pretty little womb can carry my Queen,"

Author's note:
The first chapter of Life After the Fall has officially been published. I hope you all enjoyed it, vote, like, share and follow me. And now.
Let the ride begin!!!

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