By love, we are bound

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"Vitani it's not what it looks like, they have Sadiki, I just want him to be returned to his parents. Don't misinterpret the situation I beg of you," Akida said pleadingly.
"There's nothing to misinterpret. I heard enough," Vitani snapped.
Akida flinched at the cold, harsh tone of voice she used.

"You'd kill for Arsenal? You'd wipe out an entire pride for her?" 
"Vitani, nice to see you I hope all is well," Tasha said smilingly as she stroked Sadiki on his head.
"Shut your trap Tasha you and I are not on speaking terms," Vitani roughly breezed past Tasha, her gaze directed on Akida.

"I was willing to forget my pain, move on to be with you, to make you part of my life!" Vitani said tearfully as she looked up at Akida with accusatory eyes. "Despite everything I was willing for us to become mates, I was ready to beg Kovu to let you join us and I find out you're in love with Arsenal? HOW COULD YOU?!"

"It's not what you think. I was in love with Arsenal before I was even poisoned. Then she left me and I moved on," Akida said sadly. "I don't love her Vitani."
"You're lying!" Vitani shouted. "You're lying Akida! You do love her, you do love her! You don't want me, you want her!" 

"I don't want her! I don't love her either! I'm not so stupid as to go back to her after she backstabbed me when she rejected my love, what do you take me for?!" Akida shouted back.
"If you don't love her why did you say those things," Vitani asked softly. "The way you spoke about her, I thought you cared still."

"It was supposed to get Sadiki back," Akida murmured.
"You see what love does to people? He was going to come to be with us, earn our trust and backstab us just to get the cub," Maana said disgustedly. "This is why I'll never fall in love."

"Which lion in their right mind will ever want to be with you Maana? Your rotten personality is most lamentable," Kiara snickered. "If you ever fall in love with anyone, they'll have my utmost sympathy. All remaining sanity down the drain."
All of a sudden Sadiki began to mew again, loud and shrill.

Rani was frustrated as she heard her son's cries. He was hungry.
"Tasha he needs to eat give him to me I beg of you," she said in a  pleading voice. "He's still blind, he can't see and he needs me."
"Don't worry, I'm carrying my own cub, I have milk, I'll feed him. He might like my milk better than yours," Tasha said tauntingly.

"Give. Me. My. Son!" Blinded by rage Rani pushed past Kion and lunged at Tasha, her claws around her neck, choking her. Kovu and Kion tackled Zayne and Akida shoved Maana aside and her head hit a rock, she groaned and tried to get up but Akida pushed her face down in the grass. "You're not poisoning me again,"

Vitani jumped at Arsenal and her paw made direct contact with her jaw. Growling in anger Arsenal lashed out her paw and trued to hit Vitani, but she dodged the attack and shoved her body against Arsenal's side, making her stumble backwards and fall.
"You'll pay for that Vitani!" Arsenal shouted.

Rani scooped up Sadiki and held her in her paws while Kiara fought Tasha. Despite the fact that Tasha was carrying Zayne's cub and they were both cruel, treacherous and antagonistic, Kiara didn't want to hurt her cub. She was not like them. She wouldn't bring harm to an innocent cub just to get back at her.

"Wow, someone's improved their fighting skills, looks like being mated to an outlander assassin has its perks," Tasha sneered.
"Leave Kovu out of this you tramp! This is between you and me," Kiara growled and pinned Tasha to the ground, her claws around her neck. If she could just knock her into unconsciousness...

"Don't let his face be free, the bastard just has to look at you and you're dead in seconds!" Kovu shouted as he grabbed Zayne by his shoulders and pushed him to the ground.
"Don't kill me! My mate and cub needs me!" Zayne exclaimed.

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