Chance encounter

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"Where are you guys taking us? We've been walking forever," Vitani complained as her paw dragged half-heartedly against a sharp rock. She and Akida had been following Usiku, Kidunia and Furaha for a long time and they had not said anything since they were captured. "Can someone answer me for King's sake?!"

"Silence!," Usiku commanded. "We are approaching the caves now, you will bow to Queen Mzazi and show your respect. She does not take lightly to disrespect from trespassers and rouges."
"Trespassers? Rouges? Do we look like trespassers and rouges? We were passing through, we have no intention of harming you, for the millionth time!" Vitani shouted frustratedly.

"And don't raise your voice to her either!" Kidunia reprimanded.
"It's bad enough that you trespassed without permission, it's in your best interest to obey her every word and submit to the power in which she holds," Furaha said as she edged her way under a branch. "Failure to do so will result in immediate imprisonment. So I'd be submissive if I were you."

"I'm from the outlands! Outlanders do not submit to anyone!" Vitani growled lowly.
"You do not submit to anyone you say? We'll see about that,"
Queen Mzazi, bow to the queen you simpletons!" Usiku growled.
"I do not like this lioness," Vitani murmured to Akida.

"Relax Vitani, let's just play along with their orders for now, we're still on their territory remember?" Akida told her as she squeezed her shoulders reassuringly.
Vitani sighed and complied. She and Akida bowed to Queen Mzazi as did the rest of lionesses.

"Who are these rouges Usiku?" Queen Mzazi asked.
"They were trespassing on our borders, we asked who they were, and they said they're from the Pride Lands. The lioness said her brother is King Kovu and her sister-in-law is Queen Kiara,"
"You conveniently left out the part how you tackled us and almost dislocated my shoulder. Tell your Queen that!" Vitani snapped.

Then she turned to Mzazi. "Your majesty, my friend Akida and I have a mission. To go to the Tree of Life and seek healing from Nirmala, the lioness who lives there. He's been poisoned and if the poison isn't removed soon, he will die," she said.
"Poisoned hmm? By who?" Mzazi inquired.

"I can't say, I don't know who poisoned me," Akida admitted.
"So let me get this straight. You were poisoned, you have no idea who poisoned you and yet you want us to believe you? Without evidence there's no proof, without proof there's no guarantee you're telling the truth," the lioness said pointedly.

"You have to believe us, please just send someone to the Tree of Life. My brother and sister in-law is there, they'll certainly elaborate for me," Vitani said desperately.
"That won't be necessary, King Kion and Queen Rani are dealing with a family emergency right about now. They do not need to be bothered with propaganda such as this," Mzazi said dismissively.

She then turned and walked back to the caves with her lionesses following, dragging Vitani and Akida behind them.
"Where are you taking us?!" Akida demanded.
"You will be imprisoned until we have proof of some sort, when and or if it turns up. Until then, you will be imprisoned," Queen Mzazi said coldly.

"Throw them in the nest!" Usiku shouted.
"What nest?" Vitani asked as she looked beyond their shoulders.
"You'll see, just follow us," Kidunia said gleefully.
Akida and Vitani exchanged worried looks as they were dragged to a hole, seven feet in depth, three feet in width. Akida looked cautiously down and his eyes widened.

"What is it Akida! What's down there?" Vitani asked lowly.
"Have you ever been bitten by fire ants?" Akida inquired.
"Of course, those bastards bite like newborn rat snakes,"
"Then you have your answer,"

Vitani inhaled sharply and peered down into the hole and gasped. Crawling on a mountain of sand and a carcass of some kind was millions of fire ants. Vitani shuddered and turned to look at Akida.
"How long do you think it will take Taswira to fly to the Tree of Life to get Kiara and Kovu?"

"Thank you for the breakfast Nirmala," Kovu said as he rose off the grass after having eaten breakfast with Kiara, Kion, Rani, Nirmala, Surak and Baliyo.
"Yes thank you Nirmala, I was starving since last night," Kiara said laughing as she too rose off the grass.

"You are most welcome Kovu, Kiara, it's always nice to have you stay and dine with us at the Tree of Life," Nirmala said smilingly.
"So what say we check out the Vizuri Pool? It's at the back of the tree, it's secluded and you and Kovu can have an early morning soak, let the tensions melt away," Kion said nuzzling Rani.

"That sounds nice, we came here to relax, it sure beats conducting the duties and responsibilities of being King and Queen," Kovu said yawning.
"And best of all no stress, no tension and no problems that require my and Kovu's attention," Kiara said sighing contentedly.
"It's heavenly. To just kick back and rekax-"
"King Kovu! Queen Kiara!"

Turning around, startled at hearing their names being called, Kiara and Kovu looked up and saw Taswira flying towards them.
"What in the name of Mufasa- Taswira what are you doing here?" Kovu demanded as the falcon came and landed on a tree branch next to the lions, a frantic look in his eyes.

"Taswira why are you here? How did you find us? What's going on?" Kiara asked as she approached the bird.
"My apologies your majesties, but I came here on the request of Simba and Nala. Vitani is here as well, we came for a very important work," Taswira said fluffing out his feathers.

"Vitani is here? Why and with who?" Kovu asked.
"When you both left for the Tree of Life, a lion named Akida came to the Pride Lands claiming he was poisoned and sought healing from Nirmala. He and Vitani are at a place called Mlinzi Valley and they captured them, accusing them of being rouges,"
Kovu groaned and slapped a paw across his face.

"I don't believe this. All the time things were good, the minute Kiara and I leave for a holiday, things spiral out of control. This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed.
"And that's not the worst news, they're being imprisoned in some nest until evidence turns up, the lionesses there, clearly mean business," Taswira said worriedly.

"Nest? Oh crap. Kion! Rani! We need to get to Mlinzi Valley, Vitani is in trouble and we need to save her," Kovu shouted.
"What's going on Kovu?" Nirmala asked walking up to them.
"Vitani is in trouble, the lionesses at Mlinzi Valley don't know her so they think she's a rouge. We need to get there asap," Kiara said.

"I'll come with you. Surak you and Baliyo stay here with Rani, Kiara, Kovu, Kion and I are going to Mlinzi Valley," Nirmala told her mate. "Tell Fuli and Anga to watch the borders."
"Alright aunt Nirmala we're on it," Baliyo said as he rose off the grass to go find Fuli and Anga.

"Okay, come on everyone, let's go. I just hope Vitani is okay," Kion said as he took the lead followed by Kiara and Kovu.
"Be careful Kion," Rani called out to her departing mate.
"I will Rani, bye I love you," Kion replied.

"Oh and by the way we have to hurry I think the nest is a nest of fire ants," Taswira added as he flew ahead of Kion.
"Fire ants! Now we really have to hurry!" Kovu exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" Kiara inquired.
"Vitani is allergic to fire ants,"

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