Holiday break

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The next morning Kiara and Kovu conducted morning assembly as usual. Simba, Nala, Kion and Rani stood on the side with Kiara and Kovu standing in front facing the pride.
"Good morning to all. It's another beautiful day in the Pride Lands and as always I am pleased to see that everyone looks well rested and rejuvenated, ready to take on the challenges of today," Kovu said in a strong voice.

"Before I begin this morning's assembly, I would like to take a moment to welcome the newest member of our pride, my sister Marisa's newborn son Zachary,"
The lions and lionesses cheered at this. Marisa sat next to Nala with Zachary in her paws and acknowledged the cheers by her fellow pride members.

"So just a few minor notes for now," Kovu said continuing.
"As we are aware of, Zachary is Viktor's cub, as well as Bahati and Mzuri. He impregnated Alisa and Marisa and left them. Since Zachary is born he'll definitely try to claim him. This cannot happen. I will not allow my nephew be taken by anyone!"
Shouts of agreement was heard amongst the pride.

"Marisa is not to leave Pride Rock without an escort since there is a possibility that Viktor will be lurking around the borders, waiting for the right moment to steal Zachary. Bahati and Mzuri must not be left unattended, they are small and unable to defend themselves so someone must be with them at all times," Kiara said.

"If Alisa, Chad and Charise are busy I would appreciate it if someone could stay and watch Bahati and Mzuri until they return. Are we clear on that?"
"Yes your majesty,"
Kovu then began to discuss with the pride the necessary security measures that needs to be taken. Something that was always the highlights of morning assembly. Once they were covered and the pride understood all that was said, Kovu turned to Nala to inquire about announcements.

"Not anything that I can think of," Nala replied.
Since there weren't any urgent announcements, Kovu concluded morning assembly and the pride dispersed.
"Okay we'll just have breakfast then we can leave for patrols," Vitani said as she and the Lion Guard stood on the platform with Kiara, Kovu, Nala, Simba, Kion, Rani and Marisa.

"I have to meet with Venicia this morning, she has something to talk to me about," Kovu stated.
"Venicia? I though you had to meet with the animals," Kiara said confusedly.
"No I don't have to meet with the animals. Where'd you hear that from?" Kovu asked.
"I don't know. I guess I'm just tired," Kiara said drearily.

"You know what you need sis? A holiday at the Tree of Life. The Vizuri Pool is super calming and pleasing to the senses. Nirmala says that if you soak in it for a while, you'll feel so calm and rejuvenated," Kion said.
"A holiday at the Tree of Life? Kion I can't leave the Pride Lands and go to relax, it's unheard of. No Queen leaves her kingdom unprotected and goes off to pursue her own pleasures," Kiara said as she turned and walked off the platform with Kovu.

"I know but think about it, you're stressed out, it's hard for you to concentrate and you're having nightmares," Kion said as he followed her.
"I think that's a great idea Kiara. Even if it's just for a day and a night you can still go. The Vizuri Pool may be what you need in order to forget about all that's been happening recently," Nala said as they walked through the savannah.

"That's true, but I can't just leave home and go off to relax," Kiara told her mother. "Who would look after and protect the Pride Lands? Our pride? The cubs?"
"Your father and I are here, so is Diana and Burnt Eboney, Vitani and the Lion Guard. We'll look after things, you and Kovu can leave with Kion and Rani and have a little holiday at the Tree of Life," Nala said reasonably.

"I think they're right babe, a holiday at the Tree of Life could be nice. You've been so stressed out lately," Kovu chimed in.
"And Kion and I have to leave to go home today anyway. Rafiki says I'm due any day now and I need to be at the Tree of Life when my cub is born," Rani said.

"We'll leave after breakfast and we can reach the Tree of Life by tomorrow morning," Kion said practically. "Face it Kiara, you're outnumbered, all of us want you to come to the Tree of Life, you might as well accept it."
"Fine, fine, fine. If you all want me to leave and go, I guess there's no point in convincing you otherwise," Kiara said good naturally.

"You won't regret it sis," Kion said bumping Kiara's shoulder playfully.
"But make sure and double security measures around the borders. I'm not taking any chances with anyone sneaking in while Kovu and I aren't here," Kiara said firmly.
"Relax honey they've got it all under control, between Vitani and the Lion Guard, Charise and Chad, I don't think we've got anything to worry about," Kovu said with a laugh.

"Can we get breakfast now? My cub and I are starving," Rani said as she walked quickly past Kiara and Kovu.
"Speaking of cubs," Nala said looking directly at Kiara.
"Mom Kovu and I aren't ready to have cubs yet. When we're ready, you'll be the first one to know," Kiara said rolling her eyes.
"How'd you know that's what I was thinking?" Nala asked.
"I know you," Kiara said with a smirk.

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