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"Push Rani! You're almost there, push! Push my dear PUSH!" Nirmala shouted
"AUNT NIRMALA IT HURTS!" Rani shrieked as she laid on her side, trying her level best to push her cub out, which was already extremely close to her cervix.
"Come on Rani, you're doing great. Do it for Kion. He's so excited to meet his cub, once he's out into the world, you'll see all the pain will be worth it. Push harder Rani! You can do it!" Kiara said encouragingly.

"Oh Kings! The pain is too much, I can't bear it anymore I can't!" Rani was sweating and crying as contraction after contraction hit, each one more painful than the last. Makini fed her some more Tuliza flowers but they had little to no effect on her.

Kion and Kovu were waiting outside. Kion was a nervous wreck as he heard his mate cry out in such agony. It pain him to know she was hurting so badly and he wished he could do something to alleviate her pain.
"Kovu I'm scared, what of something happens to her while she's going through the birthing process? Makini and Rafiki both warned us that while giving birth, anything could happen," Kion said worriedly as he paced up and down.

"Surak and Nirmala said Rani's mother went through sheer agony when she was giving birth to Rani and Baliyo. The royal Mjuzi at that time said that she almost had a miscarriage. What if Rani loses our cub?-"
"Hey you listen to me. Nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean nothing is going to happen to Rani or your cub," Kovu said firmly.

"But we don't know that.  Anything could happen to them. I don't know what the Great Kings have in mind, they could decide that Rani isn't ready to become a mother, they could take our cub away from us, anything could happen Kovu," Kion sat heavily on the ground and placed his paw on his head sweating and breathing hard as the endless possibilities plagued him.

"Have faith in the Great Kings of the Past Kion. Have faith in your mate. Rani is a strong lioness. For five months she was fiercely protective of your cub, she never let anything happen to him and she took care of herself just the way a mother is supposed to. Your cub is going to be brought out into the world and you and Rani are going to be amazing parents," going said comfortingly as he rubbed Kion's shoulder.

Kion looked up at Kovu and saw the encouragement, confidence and truth in his eyes. He was right. He needed to trust the Kings and his mate also. Nothing was going to happen to them. He had to believe that. And he did.
Mewwww! Mewww? mewww!
"It's a boy," Kiara exclaimed.
Kion stood up from the ground and hurried into the tree.

Rani laid on her side and Kiara,  Nirmala and Makini were closely gathered around her and the tiniest little bundle of fur cradled in her paws. Kion approached Rani and laid next to her. Kovu came in shortly after and Kiara moved to stand next to him. The cub felt Rani's tongue on him and began to mewl shrilly.
"Congratulations your majesty, you've given birth to a healthy little boy," Makini said smiling.

"Congratulations, dear, you're a mother now," Nirmala said as she gazed at her great nephew who was resting comfortably in his mother's paws. He had dark brown fur like Rani and a few spots of cream on his back. Kion looked down at his newborn son and smiled tenderly at Rani, who smiled back at him.
"I am so proud of you Rani, you did great. He's absolutely perfect," Kion said lovingly as he kissed her on her forehead.

"Yes he is isn't he," Rani whispered as she nuzzled Kion.
"What are you going to name him, your majesty?" Makini asked as she arranged the fruits on her bakora staff.
"If we were having a boy, we had decided to name him Sadiki. It means loyal," Kion said as he looked at his son once more.
"Sadiki is a wonderful name," Nirmala said affectionately.
"Congratulations to you both," Kovu said smilingly.

"Thank you Kovu. Although I should be thanking you a second time. Outside that speech you gave me, it was exactly what I needed to hear. So thank you," Kion said thankfully.
"Kion you don't have to thank me. We're family aren't we? I was just doing my duty as Kiara's husband and your brother-in-law also. No need to thank me,"  Kovu told him as he placed his paw on Kiara's back.

"When will everyone be back?" Kiara asked turning to face Nirmala.
"Surak and Baliyo will be here shortly. Most likely the others will stay and get the rest of the herbs for Makini," Nirmala replied as she wiped her face.
"In the meantime, what say you and Kovu go and get some rest. You're probably exhausted from your long journey. I'll hunt something in a bit for all of us," Nirmala said kindly.

"Do you need help with anything Nirmala?" Kovu asked.
"No Kovu, everything's okay. You and your wife go get some rest. You'll need your batteries charged for tomorrow. We've got a full day planned," Nirmala said pushing the water she'll to the far corner so no-one would trip.
"Nirmala is right you guys, go get some rest. You're tired from the journey, I can see it in your eyes. Get some rest," Rani insisted.

"If you say so," Kovu shrugged.
"Yes we say so. Now go on," Nirmala chuckled. "Makini, please escort Kiara and Kovu to their chambers for the night."
"Yes Nirmala. Let's go your majesties," Makini said cheerfully as she led the way out of the tree.
So Kiara and Kovu went to get some rest in the guest chambers, Nirmala went to hunt something for dinner and Kion and Rani were left alone with their newborn son.

"He's adorable," Kion said softly.
"I wonder what colour his eyes will be," Rani whispered.
"Whatever they are, I'm sure they'll be beautiful. Thank you for this Rani, for bringing our son into the world," Kion kissed Rani on her cheek and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I love you Kion," Rani whispered tenderly as she licked his ear.
"I love you too Rani," Kion whispered back. "I love you, and I love our son."
"He'll be a great ruler of the Tree of Life. Just like his Dad," Rani said with a contented sigh.
"And I'm sure he'll be stubborn and strong-willed. Just like his Mom," Kion said teasingly.
"Maybe both. No matter how our cub turns out, we'll love him just the same,"
"Yes we will. My love for Sadiki is just like my love for you. Unconditional,"

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