Fire ant rescue

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"You're allergic to fire ants?! Why didn't you say something?!" Akida exclaimed as he stood in the middle of the ant infested hole with Vitani. The ants, after having been disturbed when Usiku and Kidunia pushed them in, were now running around in large quantities and Akida and Vitani had a hard time moving around to avoid getting bitten by the creepy crawlers.

"Ever since I was a cub I've had an allergy to fire ants. I know that's uncommon for lions to be allergic to ants, and I don't know why I'm allergic to them, I just am," Vitani said as she raised her paw and scratched behind her ear.
"Did any of them bite you?" Akida asked.
"No they didn' least not yet,"

Usiku was sitting on the outside of the hole, monitoring them from time to time while Mzazi went back to her cave to take a nap. She had been looking at Akida more than Vitani and found him to be insanely attractive. Not many males crossed into their domain and there was mostly females in the pride with the exception of just three lions, all of whom Usiku was well associated with.

If Queen Mzazi found Akida to be innocent, she might persuade him to join their pride, and why wouldn't he? He deserved much better than what that arrogant, violet eyed lioness could ever give him. Sure she was rough with him when she first met him, but that was merely a front, a pretense. When she had him alone, she'd make her move.

"How are they making out?" Furaha approached Usiku and peered discreetly into the hole.
"I guess they're making out okay, it's not like they're in a hole of venomous snakes or tarantulas or even scorpions. It's just ants," Usiku said as she stretched out on her back to face the sun.

"I think the lioness is allergic to fire ants. Do you think it's a good idea to keep her in there?" Furaha asked her companion.
"Who cares, they're prisoners, and prisoners don't exactly get the red carpet treatment you know," Usiku said lazily.
"I can hear you you know!" Vitani yelled.
"I didn't ask you that," Usiku scoffed.

"Usiku, Furaha, how are the prisoners?" Queen Mzazi asked as she walked up to the two lionesses who saw their queen approach and rose off the grass, bowing respectfully to her.
"I suppose they're okay your majesty," Usiku replied.
"Queen Mzazi!"

The elder lioness turned around and saw Kovu, Kiara, Kion and Nirmala running towards them and raised her eyebrow.
"What are they doing here?" Usiku asked confusedly.
"Queen Mzazi, Usiku, Furaha, where is my sister?" Kovu asked as he walked up to them, a hard look in his eyes.

"Your sister?" Queen Mzazi inquired. "You mean the violet eyed lioness that came here today? She is related to you?"

Kovu pushed past Usiku and looked down into the hole and saw Vitani with her front paws pressed up against the wall, looking up at him, desperation in her eyes.
"Vitani! Sis are you okay?" Kovu asked.
"Other than sitting in a hole of frenzied fire ants, which might I add are crawling all over me, I'm peachy," Vitani said.

Kovu reached a paw down into the hole and Vitani jumped up to grab it but missed and landed on Akida's head.
"Ouch! Vitani I've been poisoned, I'm getting bitten by ants and I'm itching all over, please don't add a head injury to my list of ailments," he complained.

"Is that the lion who crossed into the Pride Lands when Kiara and I weren't there?" Kovu asked suspiciously.
"I'll explain later, just please get us out of here, I got bit by a couple of ants and I'm close to passing out," Vitani groaned.
Kovu once more reached a paw into the hole and Vitani jumped again, this time successfully grabbing his paw.

Kiara reached down into the hole and Vitani took her paw also and she and Kovu pulled the lioness out. Once she was safely on the grass, Kion and Nirmala reached down and pulled Akida out next. Both of them were now lying on the grass and were vigorously scratching their furs where they had been bitten.

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