Mediation for the confrontation

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Kovu, Kiara, their parents, Kion, Vitani and the Lion Guard ran across the savannah to Kilio Valley where several of the herds were gathered around the zebras and wildebeests as they fought each other. The wildebeest charged at the zebras and the zebras jumped out of the way and bashed themselves against the wildebeests. The ones who weren't fighting stood on the side, observing.

"Excuse me, move out of the way please. The Lion Guard is here," Vitani said as she pushed through the animals who were watching the fight between the zebras and wildebeests.
A few animals cleared a path and Vitani moved in with Kiara and Kovu behind her.
"Zebras and wildebeests enough of this!" Vitani shouted as she approached the front where the fighting was thickest.

No-one paid attention to Vitani and the Lion Guard. They just continued to fight. Though some of them did move out of the way when they noticed that their King and Queen was also present along with Simba, Nala and Kion.
One particularly large male zebra had jumped out of the way of a wildebeest when it charged at it and the it hit the wildebeest and the force sent the animal flying into the crowd.

It hit a mare who had her foal with her and the little one got separated from its mother in the scuffle. Two mares rushed to protect the baby, but three male wildebeests charged at them and almost trampled the foal.
"Enough of this fighting!" Vitani shouted as she ran into the crowd and shoved the large zebra out of the way.

Imara and Tazama too ran into the crowd and while Imara pushed the male wildebeest, Tazama gently nudged the foal out of the way. Vitani's shouts for the fighting to cease were drowned out by the noises made by the other animals. The male zebra and wildebeest faced off each other, snorting and pounding their hooves against the ground.

Vitani was continuously shouting at them to stop, but could not be heard over the loud animal noises all around.
"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Kovu roared and the animals quieted down instantly, apparently now noticing Kiara and Kovu in the dense crowd. The zebras and wildebeests bowed their heads and backed away into their respective herds.

Kovu angrily strode up to them and stood in the middle.
"What is going on here? Zebras and wildebeests are fighting each other and the rest of the animals are watching? Is this some public arena where two herds attack each other for entertainment?!" Kovu shouted. None of the animals made a sound.

"My sister was trying to stop the fighting, she was trying to instill peace and stop the noise, but nobody was listening to her, and instead of doing so you cheered and you made even more noise! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
"Your majesty the wildebeests started it. They were grazing in the mares' nesting grounds and one of the mares was giving birth," a female cheetah said from the front of the crowd.

"Why were they doing that?" Kiara asked the cheetah.
"Apparently the mares' nesting grounds is where the wildebeests' grazing grounds previously were before the dry season," the cheetah replied.
"And did the fight start right away or was there some sort of disagreement?" Kovu inquired.
"I'm not entirely sure your majesty. I was hunting when the fight broke out," the cheetah said.

"Is there anyone here to collaborate what she is saying?" Vitani asked the crowd.
"She's telling the truth. I was there when the fight broke out," a male leopard said stepping forward to face Kiara, Kovu and Vitani.
"Did the fight start right away or was there a disagreement?" Kovu asked the leopard.

"Yes your majesty, there was a disagreement. The zebras had tried to chase the wildebeests from their nesting grounds, but the wildebeests shoved the zebras and that's how the fight broke out," the leopard said.
"And were any other animals fighting as well or just the zebras and wildebeests?" Vitani asked.
"Just those two. Everyone else were simply spectating," the female cheetah added.

Kovu sighed and turned to face the zebras and wildebeests.
"The wildebeests were wrong to attack the zebras, especially when they were giving birth. Since the zebras' nesting grounds are where the wildebeests' grazing grounds previously were, they have rights to it since the wet season is over and the dry season has started," Kovu said.

"Kilio Valley is a large grassland and there is enough space for everyone to graze peacefully. During the birthing process, I would appreciate it if the zebras can have privacy while they are delivering their young," Kiara said. "Each individual herd will be given a place where they can graze with their own kind. And the place where the zebras have their nesting grounds, everyone can use it- for nesting purposes only!"

There were several murmurs of agreement amongst the animals as this suggestion was voiced.
"Delivering of young is a very difficult time and the females when doing so, no matter what their species, needs a secluded, quiet and private place to do that. And please, no more fighting over pointless matters," Kiara told them.

"When the wildebeest was knocked into the mare, her foal was exposed to danger, and if it weren't for Vitani and her Lion Guard, it would have been trampled. I never want to witness such a thing again. Do I make myself clear?" Kiara asked loudly while her eyes roamed the crowd.

The animals made various sounds that showed their regret for what they had been doing and agreement to what their Queen just said. The crowd dispersed and soon everything went back to the way it was. Kovu approached Kiara and kissed her on her forehead.

"Everyday you show me what an amazing Queen you are. You handled the situation so well, found a solution and resolved the conflict," he said proudly.
"That's supposed to be my job and I failed. I couldn't even resolve a simple conflict," Vitani said miserably.

"Hey sis it's okay, nobody's perfect you know. You did your best," Kovu said as he placed a paw on Vitani's shoulder.
"But mediating and resolving issues such as this is part of my job as leader of the Lion Guard. I'm not supposed to leave it to you and Kiara to do it," Vitani said as she turned to look at Kovu, her eyes frustrated.

"There's no shame in getting help where it's needed Tani. You may be the leader of the Lion Guard, but that doesn't mean you're expected to solve all the problems on your own. You've got team members to help you with that," Kovu said gently.
"Yeah Vitani, Kovu's right. When I was leader of the Lion Guard, I found myself lost, confused and conflicted lots of times," Kion chimed in.

"But I still managed to pull through. With the support of my team, my family and my grandfather."
"I know but still, I should've made a bigger effort to stop the fighting," Vitani mumbled kicking a stone out of her path.
"With a little more practice and patience, you'll learn sis. No-one expects perfection. I certainly don't," Kovu told her.

"I know that. Thank you for that Kovu, I appreciate your support. All of your support," Vitani said gratefully.
"What's family for? Anytime sis," Kovu playfully headbutted Vitani and she laughed and headbutted him back.
"Let's get back to Pride Rock now. Marisa and Rani are probably waiting for us," Nala said.

"Yes let's go. Then we can break the news to the pride," Kion murmured sadly.
Everyone immediately lost their smiles when they heard this. In the confusion with the zebras and wildebeests, they almost forgot they had a funeral to attend, Kiara especially. She'd miss her grandmother terribly. But what could she do?

The Great Kings and Queens of the Past called her and so she had to go. It's just the way it had to be. Because the Kings knew she wouldn't have been able to survive the heartbreak and trauma that was coming to her homeland. The grief, the hurt, the pain and the bitter, bitter past that would haunt those who were very much alive.

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