Underground argument

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"And you are positively sure this shortcut will lead us straight to the Tree of Life? We were going to take the route through the Bamboo Forest," Vitani asked the mountain leopard who they were currently following through a mountain pass. After Vitani and Akida had finished eating, they were about to start moving again, but were met up with a mountain leopard named Shalini who claimed the territory was his.

He learnt of Akida's need to get to the Tree of Life and offered to help stating that he had family there and was planning to visit them. Vitani was uncertain at first but changed her mind and accepted the newcomer's help when she saw how happy Akida was to get to the Tree of Life sooner than the time they had predicted.

"If we pass through these tunnels we'll make a loop around the Bamboo Forest and the marsh  and land up in Mlinzi Valley. The home to a lion pride led by Queen Mzazi," Shalini said as he led Akida, Vitani and Taswira through a deep, dark slightly narrow tunnel.

"Thanks Shalini, it is of utmost importance that Akida get to the Tree of Life," Taswira said.
"Why is that if you don't mind my asking?" Shalini inquired.
"He's been poisoned and if he does not dispose of the poison in six days time, the results can be detrimental," Vitani explained.
"I see. Well in that case let us hasten our footsteps," Shalini said as he pushed forward.

Several hours into the journey Akida began to get agitated, they have been  walking forever and the darkness was starting to suffocate him. The tunnel wasn't only dark, it was also narrow and he was getting claustrophobic.
"How long is this tunnel Shalini?" he asked irritatedly.
"Not long just a little ways again," Shalini replied.

"That's what you said an hour ago. Are you sure you didn't take a wrong turn? Because I'm starting to feel like we're lost," Akida said.
"No we're not lost, I always take this tunnel to get to the Tree of Life. It's not far," Shalini glanced at Akida and smiled.
Akida groaned and rubbed his face. It was starting to itch a lot and he was getting more and more irritated as the minutes passed painfully slow.

The second time he stopped to scratch his face, he bumped into Vitani who stepped on Shalini's making the leopard hiss.
"Watch where you're going Vitani!" Akida growled as he rubbed his head.
"Watch where I'm going? You were the one who bumped into me," Vitani said rolling her eyes.

"Maybe if we were moving a little faster I wouldn't have bumped into you," Akida snapped.
"What? I'm sorry Akida but this tunnel as you can see is dark and narrow. It's not uncommon for such mishaps to occur," Vitani scoffed.
"It was an accident wasn't it? No big deal, just continue walking," Taswira said in an attempt to cool things down between them.
"No-one was speaking to you Taswira, mind your business!" Akida growled.

"Don't you dare speak to him that way! He's just trying to stop the argument from escalating," Vitani said lowly.
"You mean the argument that you started?" Akida asked.
"Akida I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but fighting with everyone and behaving like that is not going to do anything.  So I suggest you stay quiet if you have such a problem!" Vitani shouted.

"Fine maybe I will," Akida snapped angrily.
"Then do that," Vitani retorted.
After that unpleasant exchange between them, Akida and Vitani didn't say anything to each other for the rest of the way. Taswira flew above them keeping silent as did Shalini who made sure to walk at least two feet in front of Akida who lagged behind the rest of them, his head bent low.

It wasn't his fault. The poison was slowly spreading through his body and making him go crazy. His emotions were scattered like dust in the wind and to make it worse, he had neither no control over it nor did he know the reason for it. He shouldn't have said such things to Shalini and Taswira. They didn't do anything wrong, they were just trying to help. But he felt worse over the way he had spoken to Vitani.

She was silent, her head was held up and she was keeping a distance from him. She was hurt by his words. She might not have said so, but he knew it. Right at this moment he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and hug her, while apologizing profusely for the way he lashed out at her.

He almost did do it, but just as he was about to put his paw on her shoulder, he stopped in midair and lowered it. He'd better not. If he did, that would lead to something that he couldn't afford for it to lead to. He wasn't going to hurt her. Not after what had happened before. He wasn't going to burden her with his past and ruin her future. Ever.

He lashed out. He said such hurtful things. How could he? What did I do? Vitani was deep in thought as she replayed the incidents that happened between her and Akida. He was so nice and sweet before, how did he suddenly turn so aggressive? It shouldn't have bothered her, but it did. He hurt her feelings. Even though she constantly tried to deny that she had feelings.

She looked back at him and saw how dejected he looked. She felt her heart breaking at the sight. She was about to touch his head but stopped and retracted her paw. If she touched him, then it would lead to something that she couldn't afford for it to lead to. She was taking him to the Tree of Life and he was going to get healed of the poison and she would leave with Kiara and Kovu and go back to the Pride Lands and forget all about him.

She'd resume her duties as leader of the Lion Guard, continue to train her team, help to keep watch on her brother's kingdom and miss Akida terribly. The thought of leaving him brought unwanted tears to her eyes. Shocked by her reaction to the reality of Akida's departure, Vitani wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. The ludicrousness of the situation made her scoff. But it also made her cry.

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