A new member of the family

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"It hurts Mom it hurts!" Marisa screamed as she laid on her side in the den surrounded by her mother, Kiara, Nala, Charise and Vitani. She was in labour for over an hour now and every contraction she felt was always worst than the last one.
"Just a few more minutes honey, they're almost here," Diana said comfortingly as she held Marisa's shoulders while she pushed.
"That's what you said ten minutes ago!" Marisa shouted as yet another contraction hit.

Hearing Marisa's screams Bahati and Mzuri woke up and started crying for their mother. Chad held them with him since Alisa was still out hunting.
"Hearing her scream so loudly makes me glad that I'm a lion and not a lioness," Chad said to Kovu as they stayed out on the platform.
"Why it's because we're guys and we don't have to suffer through that?" Kovu asked.

"Exactly! They have to go  through labour and delivery and that pain. We don't," Chad said.
"Well yeah that's true, but it should teach us to value them as well. They carry our cubs in their womb for five months and then as you say, they have to go through labour. It's nothing easy Chad," Kovu said as he paced the platform.

"Kovu's right. When Rani got pregnant we had this same talk. I appreciate her. When you get a mate Chad, you'll see what we're talking about," Kion said as he  nuzzled Rani.
"How come Rani isn't in there too?" Burnt Eboney asked.
"If I were to be in there is be reminded that in a few days I'll also have to suffer through that. I'd rather not," Rani said with a shudder.

"What will happen when Viktor finds out his cubs are born? He'll want to come to claim them," Chad said.
"He has no rights too. He left Marisa when she was just a few weeks pregnant and decided he didn't want to raise them. He has no rights to claim them," Kovu said firmly.

"But he will try to," Kion said.
"Let him try. He took advantage of my sister, got her pregnant with his spawns and left her. If it were up to me, I'd make her abort them!" Kovu said coldly.
"Don't say such a thing Kovu, they're just innocent cubs, they didn't do anything," Simba said as he placed a paw on his shoulder.

"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry, it's just that, ever since she got pregnant I've felt profound hatred for Viktor for what he did with her. I know the cubs are innocent. I shouldn't have said that," Kovu said miserably.
Just then Marisa screamed one last time and there came a shrill mew from inside the den. The cub was here.

"It's a boy," Diana said as she picked up the cub and placed it in Marisa's paws.
"Congratulations sis, you're a mother now. I'm so happy for you," Vitani said as she hugged her sister.
"Yes Marisa, congratulations," Kiara said happily.
"Thank you all so much...I... I couldn't have done it without your help and support," Marisa said tearfully as she bent her head to lick the placenta off of her cub.

"Can we come in now?" Kovu shouted from the platform.
"Yes you can come in," Vitani said as she sat next to her sister.
Kovu, Burnt Eboney and Simba came in and the lionesses made room for them to pass. Burnt Eboney sat next to Diana and looked down at his grandson and smiled lovingly at his daughter.
"Congratulations sweetheart, he's beautiful," he said softly.
"Thank you Daddy," Marisa said as she nuzzled her father.

Kovu sat next to Kiara and looked at his nephew as he laid there in Marisa's paws and felt love swell up from the centre of his being. How could he ever think of telling her to abort her cub? This innocent, fragile little thing that's never harmed anyone.

It wasn't his fault that his father was bad, it wasn't his fault that his father left his mother and ran away from his duties and it certainly wasn't his fault that his father was a treacherous liar. None of it was his fault so much must he be punished for a crime he didn't commit?

"What's are you going to name him?" Kiara asked.
"His name is Zachary," Marisa said as she gazed lovingly at her newborn son who was nestled comfortably in her paws.
"Amazing. Congratulations sis," Kovu said as he licked Marisa on her cheek. "You did so good."
"Thanks  Kovu," she whispered.
Just then the cub began to mewl in a shrill voice and Marisa gasped and looked down unsure of what to do.

"What to do Mom?" she asked frantically as her son's  mewls grew louder.
"Put him at your nipples, he'll find them and start to nurse," Nala instructed gently.
So Marisa gently picked up her son and placed him at her nipples and he instantly began to suckle on the nutritionally rich milk she offered.

Kovu and everyone else left after a few minutes so Marisa could nurse her cub in private. A lioness came and told them that Alisa had hunted a buffalo and a gazelle so they went down to the savannah to have dinner.
"Viktor will want to come for his cub the moment he finds out hrs been born," Vitani murmured. 
"Same thing I said," Chad told her. "Once he finds out that his cub is born, he'll definitely want to claim him."

"And as I said before, I'm not going to allow him to do that. Viktor left Marisa when she was pregnant and now that her cub is born he wants to lay claims to him? No!" Kovu declared.
"Not to mention that Bahati and Mzuri are also Viktor's cubs, he hasn't made a move yet, but that doesn't mean he won't," Kiara said with a sigh.

"So what are we going to do?" Charise asked worriedly. 
"We're going to keep Marisa and Zachary at Pride Rock. She's not going to leave and go anywhere. At least not without an escort. I can't allow her to be exposed to the risk of Viktor or anyone else finding out she's given birth so they could kidnap her," Kovu said gravely.

"So for now we keep them at Pride Rock?" Diana asked.
"Yes. I promised myself I would never let my guard down again. I did it once and paid a terrible price," Kovu said lowly.
"We all did. But don't worry, it won't happen again," Kiara said nuzzling Kovu reassuringly.
"Any news on Cougar, Isis, Viktor, Zayne, Arsenal, Maana and Tasha?" Vitani inquired.

Upon hearing Tasha's name, Kiara growled loudly and swiped at a tree branch and it broke and fell to the floor. The abrupt sound caused birds to fly out of the tree in fright and scatter.
"I thought I made it clear that no one is to mention her name! Why is her name being mentioned? Why am I hearing her name? WHY AM I HEARING HER NAME?!" Kiara shouted furiously.

Everyone backed slowly away as they saw Kiara's intense anger. Sure they were practically used to it, but it still caused fear to shoot up their spines.
"Babe calm down," Kovu said soothingly.
"I am calm sweetheart," she said forcing a smile as she turned and walked to where the rest of the pride was waiting with the food.
"If that's calm, I'd hate to see her when she's agitated," Charise murmured when Kiara was out of earshot.

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