Chapter 2: Meeting Her Family

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(Abby's P.O.V)

It's Saturday, December 8th, 1990. I was now about seven months pregnant. Christian and I had found out that we are having a girl in October. We couldn't have been happier. This evening, my aunt Valerie was getting married to her fiancé, Timothy, here in London since Timothy is from London. I'm just afraid of what my mom's family is going to think of me since I'm pregnant. The wedding ceremony was lovely. We were at the reception, had just eaten dinner, and aunt Valerie had just finished her first dance with my new uncle, Timothy. Christian and I were sitting down and talking as everyone got up and began to dance. Christian and I weren't ready to dance yet. As we were talking, my cousin, Laynie walked up to us with a guy, who I assumed was her husband that she married last year after dating him for a year after meeting him on the set of a tv show that Mom told me about.

"Hey, Abby. Who's the boy," Laynie asked.
"Hi, Laynie. This is my boyfriend, Christian Bale," I answered.

"Hi," Christian said as he shook Laynie's hand and then her husband's.
"Hi," Laynie said.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your husband," I asked.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. This is my husband, Max Casella," the blonde girl replied.

"Hi," Max said.
"Hi. It's nice to meet you," I said as I shook his hand.

"Why aren't you two dancing," Laynie asked.
"We just aren't in the mood for dancing yet," Christian replied.

"How can two people not be in the mood for dancing," Max asked.
"Well, I don't want the rest of the family, especially my great grandmother, to judge Christian and me," I answered.

"Why would they judge the both of you," Laynie asked as I stood up.
"This is why," I replied.
"Oh. Congrats. When is it due," Laynie asked.
"She's due in February," I answered as my great grandmother walked up to us.

"Abby, please tell me that you are not having a child out of wedlock," Grandma said.
"I am, but I do plan on marrying the father once we're old enough, Grandma," I said. 
"Is the father here with you," Grandma asked as Max and Laynie walked away.
"Yes. This is my boyfriend and the father of your great great granddaughter, Christian Bale," I replied.

"Hi," Christian said.
"You seem like a good boy for my great granddaughter. Treat her well," Grandma said.
"I will," Christian said while Grandma walked away.

"Where did Laynie and Max go," I asked.
"They went to go dance," Christian said.
"Oh," I said.
"Listen. It's our song," Christian said.
"Forever," I said with a smile.
"Let's dance," Christian said while he got up.
"I was hoping you would say that," I said as I got up and walked with Christian to the dance floor.

The night was nice. The family members that did come up to Christian and me were polite about my and Christian's situation and wished us well.

A/N: Sorry for a filler chapter.

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