Chapter 13: An Interview, a Bit of Relaxation, Drinking, and Poker

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TW: nudity, but not in the way you're thinking.

(Abby's P.O.V)

It was Thursday, December 11th, 1997. Today, I had to do another interview for a film that I worked on last year that was going to be released in theaters in the next week called Titanic. I think I got the lead role of Rose in the film due to my performance of Cher in Clueless. Christian was the reason I auditioned for the film in the first place since he auditioned for the role of Jack, got turned down, and told me how they were looking for someone to be Rose. Working on the film was fun, but my costar, Leonardo DiCaprio, teased me sometimes and pranked me a few times and made it hard to do the romantic scenes, which reminded me of David since he would prank me and the other Newsies cast members. I had walked into the room where I was being interviewed and sat down where I was told to. I was nervous. Why? I don't know. Probably because this movie could make or break my career. I wasn't this nervous while doing interviews for The Little Mermaid, Newsies, Hocus Pocus, Little Women, Clueless, or Anastasia. Then, the woman interviewing me walked in. About a minute later, cameras were rolling.

"Hi, I'm Monica Samuels with Entertainment Tonight. Today, I'm interviewing Abby Bale, the young starlet from Clueless, who is now starring alongside Leonardo DiCaprio in James Cameron's Titanic. How are you doing today, Abby," the woman asked.
"I'm doing very well. Thank you for asking," I answered with a smile.
"Now, we all know what happened with the ill-fated voyage of the RMS Titanic, but can you tell me a bit about the movie," Monica asked.
"Well, it's a love story about a young woman from the first-class falling in love with a third-class artist. It's basically like Romeo And Juliet, but on a luxury ship," I replied.

Thank goodness everything's going good so far.

"Interesting! What was it like working with Leonardo DiCaprio? Was he ever romantic," Monica asked.
"Quite the opposite of romantic actually, Monica. He always tried to gross me out. He would tease me constantly and pranked me a few times, which reminded me of my brother-in-law, David Moscow. Honestly, Leo is like a brother to me, especially since he's dating one of my oldest friends right now. We're really close, but he doesn't know me inside and out like my wonderful husband, Christian Bale," I answered.

I just hope she doesn't ask about my family or anything involving Christian.

"As you just said, you're married to Christian Bale, who you've done a couple of films with. How long have you both been together," Monica asked.

Crap. I really want to keep my family life private, but I guess I'll be professional and answer the question.

"We've been together for eight years and married for three. I've been the happiest I've ever been with him. He's the love of my life, and I'm so lucky to have two beautiful children with him. In all honesty, I wouldn't have the role of Rose in the movie if it weren't for him telling me about the film after he auditioned for Jack and didn't get the part," I said.
"Fascinating! Do you think that Titanic will be a huge success for you as Clueless was," Monica asked.
"I hope so, but I honestly don't care if it's a flop. I act because I find it fun to pretend to be someone you're not. I don't do it for the fame and riches. I do it because I love it," I replied.

I just hope that the people who watch this interview understand that I act because it's fun. I also hope there are no more personal questions.

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