Chapter 12: Home Movies and a Fifth Birthday

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(Abby's P.O.V)

It's now Saturday, January 6th, 1996. Today is Josephine's fifth birthday. I had Nicholas last October. Christian and I had woken up at 9:30 am, which was pretty late considering the fact that we're always woken up by Josephine at 8:30 or even earlier by Nicholas. Christian and I figured Josephine was still asleep and headed to her room to wake her up.

"Jo, it's time wake up," I said as I gently pulled back her blanket and sheets.
"I don't wanna," she mumbled.
"I guess your daddy and I will have to eat all the pancakes we planned on making for breakfast and not share them with anyone," I said.
"I'm awake, Mommy," Josephine said as she sat up.

"Happy birthday, Jo," Christian said with a smile.
"Thank you, Daddy," she said.
"How does it feel to be five years old," Christian asked.
"I dunno," Josephine said, which caused Christian and me to laugh.
"Just remember that no matter how old you get, you'll always be my little ladybug," Christian said.
"Can we make breakfast now please," Josephine asked.
"Yes, we can," Christian answered.

"Babe, do you mind seeing if Nicky is up. If not, can you wake him up and change him," I asked.
"I don't mind doing that at all," Christian replied before giving me a quick kiss and heading to Nicholas' room.

"Jo, let's head to the kitchen. You can help me make the pancake batter," I said.
"Okay, Mommy," she said as she followed me to the kitchen and sat at the table.
"I remember my and your aunt Ami's fifth birthday," I said while I got the items needed to make pancakes out.
"What was it like," Josephine asked.
"Well, your granny and papaw made your aunt Ami and me the fluffiest waffles I had ever had for breakfast. After breakfast, your grandparents showed your aunt Ami and me some home movies of the two of us as babies up until we were four years old," I answered. 
"Mommy, do you and Daddy have any home movies of me," Josephine asked.
"Yes, we do actually," I replied.
"Can we watch them before my party," Josephine asked.
"Of course, we can, Jo," I answered.
"Mommy, where's Molly," she asked.
"The dog is probably with your daddy in Nicky's room," I replied.
"Oh, okay," Josephine said.

"Do you need help cooking breakfast, darling," Christian asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"I can manage. Just keep Nicky happy," I answered.
"That I can do," Christian said while sitting down next to Josephine.

"Daddy, will Nicky ever be as tall as me one day," Josephine asked.
"Yes. I bet by the time you two are both around my and your mummy's age, he'll most likely be taller than you," Christian replied.
"That's not fair," Josephine said.
"That's how genetics work, I'm afraid. I bet you'll be taller than your mummy one day since I'm tall," Christian said.

"How tall are you, Mommy," Josephine asked.
"I'm five feet and five inches tall, Jo," I answered.
"Oh. How tall is Daddy," she asked.
"Your daddy is six feet tall," I replied.
"Oh," Josephine said.

"What time are your parents, Nat, Ami, and David coming over," Christian asked.
"At 2:00 pm since it gives us a few hours to put up some decorations. Oh, I forgot to mention that Mom and Dad are bringing over some balloons," I answered.
"Alright," Christian said as I began to flip pancakes.

(Time skip to after breakfast)

Christian and I had put Nicholas down for a nap and decided to show Josephine some home videos of her. Starting with the day she was born.

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