Chapter 5: A Vacation on the Beach and Taking Care of a Baby

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(A/N: For reference, this is the outfit that Abby wears throughout the day

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(A/N: For reference, this is the outfit that Abby wears throughout the day.)

(Abby's P.O.V)

A month had gone by. It's now the middle of July. The filming of Newsies had wrapped two weeks ago. Mom, Dad, Amelia, Natasha, David, Christian, and I were currently in a minivan on our way to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina for a two week vacation on the beach since my parents own a house near the beach. David came with us because he and Amelia had convinced his parents and Mom and Dad that they should spend a few weeks together after filming wrapped. How that worked? I don't know. Christian and I were in the middle row of the minivan with our six month old daughter between us and the road snacks by our feet. Amelia and David sat in the back row with Natasha between them and everyone's blankets and pillows by their feet. Dad was driving and Mom was napping.

"Dad, how much longer," Natasha asked.
"We'll be there in about thirty minutes," Dad answered.

"Thank goodness! I really need to stretch," Amelia said.

"Should we wake up Jo since we're thirty minutes away from the house," I asked.
"I'd let her sleep until we get there. She did have a rough night sleeping and then having to wake up at 4:30 am wasn't good for her either," Christian replied.
"You're right," I said.
"I just hope Jo doesn't eat sand when we go to the beach tomorrow," Christian said.
"She won't eat sand tomorrow. I'll watch her like a hawk and make sure she doesn't. Besides, I think we can stop her if she tries to," I said.

About forty minutes later, we were at the house and unpacked. Dad had reminded us that one of his old friends from college that lives here is going to come over for dinner with his wife and told Christian and me that we had to cook dinner tonight. Christian and I were in the kitchen making pasta with a homemade tomato sauce. Josephine was sitting in her high chair and playing with a toy. Mom and Dad were sitting on the back porch talking and drinking alcohol since us kids apparently wear them out. David and Amelia were most likely either making out or watching a movie in Amelia's bedroom. Natasha was watching tv in her room. Christian and I were listening to a mixtape that we had made when we started dating in 1989 as we cooked. Why Did It Have To Be Me? by ABBA had just begun and Christian started singing while chopping an onion for the tomato sauce. I began singing along as I stirred the tomato sauce as Christian added the chopped onion to the sauce. Once the sauce was made, I put the lid on the pot and Christian grabbed my hand and we began to dance along to the song. While we were dancing, David and Amelia walked in.

"And I thought you both couldn't get any more weirder as a couple," Amelia said.
"Leave them alone, honey. It's kinda cute," David said.

"Thanks, I guess," Christian said while we stopped dancing due to the song finishing.

"Aww. I loved this song when I was little," Amelia said as Things We Said Today by the Beatles began to play.
"I did too," I said.

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