Chapter 6: Baby Talk and Disney Princesses

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(Abby's P.O.V)

About two years had gone by. It's November 12th, 1993. Christian and I had finished filming a movie called Little Women, which was based on the book of the same name, about two months ago. Christian and I ended up getting cast in the movie thanks to Winona Ryder being a fan of my performance as Alison in Hocus Pocus and Christian's performance in Newsies. Christian had the role of Laurie, and I was Amy as an adult. Christian and I had also moved out of my parents' house after they moved to Los Angeles due to Natasha getting the role she auditioned for in the tv show and a movie while Christian, David, Amelia, and I filmed Newsies. David and Amelia also eloped last December since David dropped out of high school when he turned eighteen last November. He dropped out of high school mainly because he got Amelia pregnant with their son, Sebastian, a week before my and Amelia's eighteenth birthday last June. I'm just shocked that they managed to make a long-distance relationship work after filming Newsies. Christian and I had finally decided on a wedding date and location. We agreed that the date would be October 8th, 1994, and we're getting married in my hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. I was the one who wanted the wedding in Louisville since I hadn't been there in about five years. Christian agreed because we could get a direct flight to Hawaii from Louisville for our honeymoon. Josephine is now two years old and is a daddy's girl. Christian and I were sitting on a sofa in the living room talking while Josephine was drawing and coloring on the floor.

"Mommy! Daddy," Josephine said.
"What's wrong, ladybug," Christian asked.
"My red crayon broke. I'm sorry," Josephine answered.

"It's okay, Jo. You don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. You can still use it to color though. Give it to me so I can take the paper off so you can still use it," I said.
"Okay," she said before getting up and handing me the two halves of her broken red crayon.
"Here you go. Now you have two red crayons to color with," I said after peeling the paper off of the broken red crayon halves and handing the crayon halves back to Josephine.
"Thank you, Mommy," Josephine said.
"You're welcome, Jo," I said as she went back to coloring.

"She reminds me so much of you," Christian said.
"How," I asked.
"She has your curly hair, blue eyes, and tiny nose. The only thing she has of mine is brown hair and my smile. Plus, for a two year old, she can be a bit sassy like you," Christian replied.
"I'm never sassy," I said.
"You can be when you want to be," Christian said.
"Yeah, right," I said.
"Anyway, we kinda need to talk about something we've been avoiding since Jo was born," Christian said.
"What," I asked.
"Are we going to have another baby once we're married or are we going to just stick with Jo? I know we said we wanted more children once we got married since we decided to wait until marriage after we found out about Jo, but I know minds can change. So, please be honest with me. Do you want more kids," Christian asked.
"That's a stupid question. Of course, I do! I want Jo to have siblings she can play with," I answered.
"At least we're on the same page. I honestly wouldn't mind having another baby around the house once we're married, especially since it was fun making one," Christian said with a smirk.
"Christian! Jo is right there," I said.
"So? She's clearly not paying any attention to us," he said before giving me a quick kiss.

"Daddy! Mommy! I drew Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Princess Belle from Beauty And The Beast," Josephine said while showing Christian and me what she drew.
"That's lovely, Jo," Christian said with a smile.

"Jo, can I tell you a secret," I asked.
"Yeah," she replied with a smile.
"I was Ariel in The Little Mermaid and your aunt Ami was Belle in Beauty And The Beast," I said.
"Really," Josephine asked.
"Yes, really," I answered with a smile.

Then, the front door opened and closed.

"Hey, guys," Amelia said while walking over to us with David, who was holding Sebastian.
"Hey. Also, how many times do I have to tell you guys to quit barging in when you have a key? I don't want to have to take the key away from you guys," I said.

"I always tell Ami to knock, but she doesn't listen to me and says she doesn't have to knock because she's your sister," David said as he sat down on the other sofa.
"I swear she acts like we're living with our parents again," I said.

"Aunt Ami! Mommy said you were Princess Belle in Beauty And The Beast," Josephine said.
"She's right, kiddo. I was Belle in Beauty And The Beast," she said as she sat down next to David.
"Look! I draw Princess Ariel and Princess Belle," Josephine said.
"That's very good, Jo," Amelia said with a smile.

"Daddy, I want a baby brother," Josephine said.
"Why do you want a baby brother, ladybug," Christian asked.
"So you won't be the only boy anymore," Josephine replied.
"Aww. That's sweet of you to say. Ask me that again in about a year," Christian said.
"Okay," Josephine said.

"Seb really looks like a carbon copy of you, David," I said.
"That he does. His hair is starting to get curly like mine," he said.

"Uncle Davey," Josephine said.
"Yes," he said.
"Can I draw you a picture," Josephine asked.
"Of course you can," David answered.

"Jo sure does love to draw and color," Amelia said.
"Not as much as she loves to sing," Christian said.

"I bet she'll be a triple threat one day," I said.
"What do you mean by that," Christian asked.
"A singer, actor, and dancer. A triple threat," I replied.
"Oh. I guess I can see that," Christian said.

"So have you two decided on a wedding date and place," Amelia asked.
"October 8th of next year in Louisville, Kentucky," I replied.
"You're getting married in our hometown! That's awesome! Have you decided who's going to be your maid of honor yet," Amelia asked.
"Yes, I have, Ami. I want you to be my matron of honor," I answered.
"Me? Really? I thought you would pick your oldest friend, Victoria Johnson, to be your maid of honor," she said.
"Yes, really. I already asked Tori to be a bridesmaid with Nat, Laynie, and Julieanne. You're my twin sister. My partner in crime. I promised you that when we were like ten that you would be my maid or matron of honor, and I intended to keep that promise," I said.
"You're literally the best," Amelia said.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I said.

"David, I was thinking. I want you to be my best man," Christian said.
"Really? Thanks. I promise I'll throw you the best bachelor party," he said.
"About that, I really don't want a bachelor party," Christian said.
"Why not," David asked.
"Because I don't want to go to a strip club or anything like that," Christian said.

"What about you, Abby? Do you want a bachelorette party," Amelia asked.
"Nope. I don't want one. I don't really see the need to have a party where I can't have alcohol before having another party where I can't have alcohol," I answered. 
"Wait! You've had alcohol before," Amelia asked.
"Christian and I have gone to a bar once when we were eighteen in Prague which was where Christian was filming his movie Swing Kids. The legal drinking age in the Czech Republic is eighteen," I replied.

"I didn't get drunk, but she can't handle her alcohol," Christian said.
"That's not surprising," Amelia said with a giggle.

"Uncle Davey, I done with the picture," Josephine said while handing a piece of paper with a drawing on it.
"That's awesome, Jo! What is it," David asked.
"A princess on a rainbow," she answered.
"It's very pretty," David said.
"Thank you, uncle Davey," Josephine said.

The rest of the day was spent discussing wedding plans as Josephine continued drawing pictures for us.

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