Chapter 1: Telling Her Parents and Moving In

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(Abby's P.O.V)

It's the middle of July in 1990. I haven't been feeling the best lately. Recently, I had found out that I was pregnant. I don't regret spending the night at my boyfriend, Christian Bale's house or the thing we did on the night of my sixteenth birthday, but I just wish I didn't get pregnant because I wasn't aware that I wouldn't have my period for about nine months or throw up 24/7 for a couple of weeks. My and Christian's relationship started last year in the fall when my family moved to London, England, from Louisville, Kentucky, since my dad got offered a teaching job. I hated the fact that I had to leave my high school for some snobby British school. My twin sister, Amelia, and my eleven year old sister, Natasha, were comfortable with the fact of changing schools. I was pissed that I had to leave all of my old friends behind. On the first day in my new school, I sat alone at lunch and Christian happened to see me sitting by myself, and we instantly became friends and an item a few weeks later. Now, here we are. Almost a year together, and I'm pregnant with his baby. Christian is the only person that knows about me being pregnant, besides Amelia since I took the test at his house and Amelia was there when it happened. We plan on telling my parents tonight at dinner since Christian was staying for dinner, even though I
we hadn't asked my parents yet. Christian and I are also going to try to convince my parents to let him move in with us since his parents are getting divorced, and he doesn't want to live with either of his parents since he feels like he is being forced to choose sides. Christian and I were currently in my room. He was laying on my bed, and I was pacing and talking about what could possibly go wrong when we tell my parents about the baby.

"We can't tell my parents yet. They'll kill us," I said.
"Everything will work out and be fine. I promise. Darling, you need to relax. Isn't stress bad for the baby," Christian asked.
"I think so," I answered.
"Come here. Maybe just laying here with me will help you relax," Christian said.
"You just want to cuddle, Chris," I said.
"You're not wrong, Abbs," he said.
"Oh, alright. We can cuddle," I said as I laid on the bed facing Christian.
"You're seriously worrying over nothing. Your parents will understand that we want to keep the baby, that we'll be responsible for her, and take care of her. Who cares if we won't have a life until we're in our thirties or forties depending on how many more kids we have in the future? We'll shower our baby with so much love that your parents will look like fools for thinking we would put her up for adoption," Christian said.
"You're right, but what makes you so sure we're having a girl," I asked.
"Just a feeling. I just know that she's going to look beautiful like you," Christian replied while running his fingers through my hair.
"And if we have a boy, he's going to be handsome like you," I said before kissing him.

"Ew," Natasha exclaimed.
"Oh, come on! It's not like you haven't seen Mom and Dad kiss before," I said.
"But you're my sister. I don't want to think of you like that," Natasha said.

"Please tell me that this baby will be born before we go do that Disney movie," Amelia said.
"Well, I got pregnant last month. Nine months from June is February. So around then," I said.
"Oh," Amelia said.

"Wait! You're having a baby? And I think it's safe to believe that Christian's the father," Natasha said.
"Yes," I said.

"Wait a minute! You've had the talk with Mom and Dad," Amelia asked.
"Yeah, I have. I'm eleven years old, not a toddler, Ami. I believe I'm old enough to know how babies are made," Natasha answered.

"Anyway, Nat and I wanted to know if you guys would play a game of cards with us," Amelia said.
"Sure," Christian said.

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