Chapter 10: Getting a Dog and Another Baby

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(Christian's P.O.V)

About two months had gone by It's now February 1st, 1995. Josephine is now four and I turned twenty one two days ago. Abby and I were going to surprise Josephine with a dog when she got home from preschool. We were currently driving to the pet store to get a dog.

"I think a cute golden retriever would be good for Jo," I said.
"I was thinking something along the lines of an adorable little red haired miniature dachshund puppy. We don't need a dog that'll be bigger that her in six months," Abby said.
"Fair point. I guess a red haired miniature dachshund wouldn't be bad for her. Wait a second! Are you wanting to get a red haired miniature dachshund for Jo because you had one growing up in Louisville," I asked.
"Maybe," Abby answered.
"We can get a miniature dachshund," I said.
"Yes! You're the best," Abby said with a smile.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that," I said.
"You're my husband. You deserve to be complimented," Abby said.
"I guess you're right. Well, we're here," I said as I parked the car.
"Let's get that puppy," Abby said before we got out and walked into the pet store.

"Hi, how can I help you both," a woman asked.
"We're looking for a miniature dachshund puppy," I replied.
"You're just in luck. We have one twelve week old miniature red haired dachshund. Follow me, please," the woman said as Abby and I followed her to an area of the store where she puppies were and picked up a miniature red haired dachshund that already had a collar on it.

"Oh my goodness," Abby said with a smile.
"Her name is Molly," the woman said while handing the puppy to Abby.

"Oh, she's just the cutest little thing. Isn't she, Christian," Abby asked as she pet the puppy.
"She is cute," I answered.

"We wanted to get a dog for our daughter and Molly is perfect," Abby said.
"Perfect! I'll get the paperwork," the woman said before walking away.

"Jo is going to love her," I said.
"She will," Abby said as the puppy licked her face.
"Let me see her," I said.
"Here. Take her," Abby said while handing me the puppy.

"Hi, Molly. Oh, you're a pretty girl. Yes, you are," I said as I pet the puppy.

"I just need the both of you to sign these papers and then she'll be yours," the woman said as Abby signed a piece of paper and took the dog from me so I could sign the paper.

"Alright. Molly is yours. You'll just have to pay $500 to Tim at the register," the woman said.
"Okay," I said as Abby and I walked to the register.

"Hi, I see you are buying Molly. That'll be $500. Cash or card," the teenager asked.
"Card," Abby replied while handing the teen her debit card.
"Here's your card. Have a nice day," the teenager said.
"Thank you. You too," Abby said.

Abby and I headed home. We had David and Amelia pick Josephine up from preschool since we wanted to surprise her and had to get the house ready for the dog. Once we got home and got the house ready for the puppy, Abby ran to the bathroom and got sick again. This has been happening for the past two weeks. I hope it's nothing serious. In all honesty, she hasn't gotten sick like this since she was pregnant with Josephine. I walked into my and Abby's bathroom while holding Molly as Abby had finished brushing her teeth.

"I understand you're concerned about me, but why did you bring the puppy into the bathroom," Abby asked.
"Well, I didn't want her chewing and destroying everything in sight when we're not in there to stop her," I answered.
"That makes sense. I'm gonna get straight to the point: we'rehaving another baby," Abby said.
"What," I asked.
"I'm pregnant," Abby replied.
"Oh my God! Another baby! This is wonderful, Abbs," I said before kissing her.
"It really is great. I just hope Jo is okay with becoming a big sister," she said.
"She'll get used to it, hopefully," I said.

"Hey, guys. We're here," David shouted.
"We'll be right out," Abby shouted back.

"Okay. We show her the puppy and then tell her about the baby. It'll work. Just trust me," I said as Abby and I left our bathroom.

"Mommy! Daddy! You got me a puppy! I really wanted one," Josephine said excitedly with a smile as I put Molly on the floor so she could play with her.
"We know. Her name is Molly. Be gentle with her, please. She's tiny, Jo," Abby said.
"Okay, Mommy," she said.

"I still can't believe you caved and got a dog, Abbs," Amelia said.
"After some convincing from those two, I decided it was time to get one. How's my niece doing," she asked.
"She's is fine. She loves to kick while I'm sleeping," Amelia answered.
"Jo did that to me a few times when I was pregnant with her," Abby said.

"Uncle Chris," Sebastian said while reaching out for me.
"Hey, Seb," I said as I took him from David.

"So, when are you guys having another baby," David asked.
"Actually, I'm pregnant again," Abby replied.

"Finally! Christian, you must be very happy about this," Amelia said.
"I am," I said.

"Mommy, where's the baby," Josephine asked.

"Yeah! Where is baby," Sebastian asked.
"Seb, you know how we talked that babies live inside their mommy before they are born," David answered.
"Oh, yeah," he said as I handed him back to David.

"Daddy, do I have to share a room with the baby," Josephine asked.
"No, you won't, Jo," I said.
"Okay, Daddy," she replied.

I can't believe my and Abby's little family is growing, and I'm glad Josephine likes the puppy. I think Abby and I will end up loving that dog more than Josephine will though.

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