Chapter 15: A Pleasant Surprise

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(Abby's P.O.V)

It was the middle of November in 1999. Today, Christian was coming home after filming American Psycho. In August while he was filming, I left Josephine and Nicholas with Mom and Dad and visited him in Toronto for a week. After being home for a week, I found out that I was pregnant again. I didn't tell Christian about me being pregnant when he would call home every night while he was gone mainly because it's hard to tell someone something like that over the phone. Plus, I had planned on surprising him when he got home. Yesterday, I had the four month doctors appointment and found out that I'm having another boy. I was currently sitting on one of the sofas watching Josephine and Nicholas play a game on the floor.

"Mommy, when will Daddy be back," Nicholas asked.
"He'll be back within the next hour or two, Nicky," I answered.
"Okay," he said.

"Mom, do you think Dad will be upset about the you know what," Josephine asked.
"For the millionth time, your father will not be upset that I'm pregnant again. He might get a bit mad at me for not telling him when I found out about being pregnant. You have nothing to worry about, Jo," I replied.
"If you say so," the eight year old said.

Then, I heard a door open and close.

"Daddy," Nicholas exclaimed with a smile as he got up, ran to Christian, and hugged him.
"Hi, bubba," Christian said with a smile.

"Dad! You're back! I missed you," Josephine said with a smile before getting up and running to him.
"I missed you too, Jo," Christian said.

"Hi, babe," I said while getting up and walking over to him.
"Wow. I did that, right," Christian asked as he put a hand on my small baby bump.
"Yes, you did," I answered with a small laugh.
"We're having another baby! That's wonderful, yet unexpected. Did this happen when you visited me in August," Christian asked.
"Yes. I also thought you would be upset with me for not telling you," I replied.
"Upset? I could never be upset with you. This is wonderful news," Christian said with a smile.
"Well, here's some even better news. We're having another boy," I said.
"That's amazing! I believe it's safe to assume that Jo and Nicky know about the baby, right," Christian asked.
"Yeah. They were both worried about the morning sickness, so I just told them," I answered.

"Jo, can you play in here with Nicky for a bit? I need to talk to your mum alone in our room for a couple of minutes," Christian said.
"Yeah, I can Dad," Jo said before Christian picked up his suitcase.

Christian and I walked into our bedroom, and I sat on the bed. Christian put his suitcase down and kissed me passionately. I melted into the kiss. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine.

"I wanted you in here because I didn't want to kiss you like that in front of the kids. You know, I missed kissing you good morning and good night every day," Christian said as he sat down next to me.
"I missed that and the spontaneous kisses throughout the day too. I also missed talking to you about anything on my mind. It's hard to do that over the phone. Also, I could still quickly get used to that, Chris," I said as I ran my fingers up and down his abs.
"I figured you would enjoy that," he said with a chuckle.
"You weren't wrong," I said with a giggle.
"I honestly missed just talking to you about anything too, darling," Christian said.
"You know, I haven't come up with a name for the baby yet since I found out about it being another boy, yesterday," I said.
"What about Romeo Noah? Romeo because the old Romeo And Juliet movie from the 1960s was the first romance movie we ever watched together when we were teenagers and Noah because it's cute. We can pick a different name if you don't like it," Christian said.
"I love it. It's perfect, Chris," I said before kissing him.

"Mom and Dad, Granny and Papaw are here," Josephine yelled.
"We'll be right there, ladybug," Christian shouted back.

"I invited Mom and Dad over for dinner tonight because I knew you wouldn't mind, but they came an hour early because I must have told them the wrong time that you were coming home. I told them that you would be home two hours from now," I said.
"It'll be fine. They can keep an eye on the kids while we cook," Christian said before kissing me again and getting up.
"Also, my parents know about the baby. So do Ami, David, Nat, Aaron, Dom, and Tori. I told Mom, Dad, Ami, David, Nat, and Aaron because I can't hide something like this from family. Dom and Tori found out one day when they brought August over to play with Nicky one day during the beginning of my pregnancy," I said as I got up.
"I wouldn't have wanted you to hide it from them anyway. I also understand why you didn't tell me when you found out. Something like that would be hard to tell someone on the phone," Christian said.
"I'm quite relieved you understood why I didn't tell you when I immediately found out. I kinda wanted it to be a surprise for you too," I said.
"Well, I was very surprised. Anyway, I suppose we can't keep your parents waiting," Christian said.
"That we cannot," I said while Christian and I walked into the living room to find Mom and Dad sitting on a sofa and talking with Nicholas and Josephine.

I'm glad to have Christian back. The kids and I missed him so much. With another baby on the way, life is certainly going to be hectic. At least I have the love of my life, our children, and our families by my side.

A/N: We have reached the end of the story. I originally had a different ending in mind, but I had lost interest in this fanfic and began writing another Christian Bale x OC fanfic to make up for this bad one, so this is the sorry excuse for an ending y'all get. The new Christian Bale x OC fanfic should be out within the next month or two.

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