Chapter 8: A Fairytale Wedding

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(A/N: For reference, the photo above is the look Abby has for the wedding

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(A/N: For reference, the photo above is the look Abby has for the wedding.)

(Abby's P.O.V)

It was Saturday, October 8th, 1994. Today is my and Christian's wedding day. I had finished doing my makeup and Laynie had started styling my hair. Amelia, Natasha, Victoria, and another old friend of mine who was a bridesmaid in my wedding, Julieanne Richards, were trying to get ahold of Josephine to get her dressed in a dress that was the same color as the dresses that they were wearing.

(A/N: For reference, this is what the bridesmaid dresses look like

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(A/N: For reference, this is what the bridesmaid dresses look like.)

"Jo, get over here now," Natasha said.
"No," the three year old said while running from Amelia.

"Jo, please work with us," Victoria said.
"No," she said.

"Josephine! Get over here and work with us! It's really hard to run in heels," Julieanne said.
"I don't wanna. The dress is itchy," she said

"Josephine Anne! You will wear that dress and not complain! Today is my and your father's wedding day, and we can't have anything go wrong. If you wear the dress, your daddy and I will bring you a surprise back from our honeymoon in Hawaii," I said.
"Okay, Mommy," she said before getting picked up by Natasha and taken to a dressing room.

"And your hair is done, and you look amazing," Laynie said.
"Thanks," I said before getting up.

"Let's get you into your dress, Abbs," Amelia said.
"Okay," I said as I walked into a dressing room with Amelia.

Amelia helped me put on my dress and tiara. Then, we walked out to see Josephine playing with the teddy bear that she's had since she was a baby.

"Mommy, you look like a princess," Josephine said.
"You're the one who looks like a princess, Jo," I said.
"I don't have a crown like you, Mommy," she said.
"You don't need to wear a crown to be a princess, ladybug. A real princess is kind. Just like you," I said.

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