Chapter 11: Shopping, Dealing With Idiots, and Coming up With a Name

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(Abby's P.O.V)

It's now the end of July. My most recent film, Clueless, has turned me into a rising star for playing the lead, Cher. Christian and I had found out that we are having a boy when we went to my four month checkup in May. I'm now six months along and there's a slight problem: Christian and I haven't come up with a name for the baby yet. Amelia and David recently welcomed their second child into the world, a girl, which they named Genevieve. Today, I took Josephine with me to go shopping for baby clothes since Christian was working on the baby's nursery.

"Mommy, why do we have to get things for the baby," Josephine asked.
"Because your baby brother can't wear the outfits you had when you were a baby," I answered.
"Oh," Josephine said.
"Aww. This is so cute. Don't you think your baby brother would look cute in a Spider-Man pajama onesie, Jo," I asked.
"Yeah," she replied.
"I'll get it,"  I said as I put the Spider-Man pajama onesie in a basket.
"Mommy! Look! That one has elephants on it," Josephine said.
"That's adorable, Jo. And it's only $20.00! I'm going to have to buy that," I said before putting the elephant onesie in the basket.
"Mommy, can we get a toy for him that's like my bunny," she asked.
"That's a great idea, ladybug. It's a good thing that the aisle with the stuffed animals isn't too far from here," I answered.

The two of us walked to the aisle with stuffed animals. Josephine and I were looking at the stuffed animals, and I heard two young women, who were around my age, talking.

"Can you believe that Abby Bale announced in that interview last week that she and her husband, Christian Bale, are expecting their second child," one woman asked.
"It wouldn't surprise me that she said that just to get more attention than she already gets from the public, even if she is having another baby," the second woman replied.
"I'm sure she likes doing whatever she can to stay in the public eye. I bet that's why she had that little girl with Christian Bale when they were teenagers after she was in The Little Mermaid and why she married him. I'm sure she doesn't actually love him and is sleeping around with that Paul Rudd guy she was in Clueless with," the first woman said.

Hearing that made my blood boil. Why would two women who don't even know me or Christian just assume that I married him because of Josephine? That's complete bullshit! We got married because we're madly in love with each other!

"Jo, stay close to me, please," I said as she followed me to look at some other stuffed animals.
"Okay, Mommy," she said.

As we were walking, I had accidentally bumped into the two women who were gossiping about me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry for bumping into you both," I said. 
"Oh my God! You're Abby Bale! We love your movies! We're such big fans," one of the women said.
"Oh? Then, why did I hear the both of you talking horribly about me saying I only married my husband, Christian Bale, because of having our daughter when he and I were teenagers and saying that I publicly announced that he and I are having another baby just to draw more attention to myself than I already had from being in Clueless? All of those things are complete lies by the way. Christian and I got married because we're madly in love with each other and never want to lose each other. Our daughter and our unborn baby is proof of how much we love each other. I announced that Christian and I were expecting our second child in that interview because he and I were both ready to publicly announce my pregnancy after getting asked if I was pregnant a lot by reporters. Next time, think before you judge," I said before walking away with Josephine.

"Ooh! Mommy! Let's get the baby an elephant toy," Josephine said.
"Oh, that's perfect for him, Jo," I said.
"Can we go home and see Daddy now," she asked.
"Of course we can. I just have to pay for these things for your baby brother first," I answered.

(Time skip to arriving home)

Josephine and I had walked into the living room and didn't see Christian. We walked into the baby's nursery to find the crib already built and Christian asleep in the rocking chair.

"Looks likes building a crib wore your daddy out," I whispered.
"I can wake him up, Mommy," Josephine said.
"Okay, Jo," I said as she climbed into Christian's lap.

"Daddy, wake up, please," Josephine said before kissing Christian's cheek.
"Hi, ladybug," Christian said with a yawn before kissing Josephine's forehead.

"We got some cute onesies and a Spider-Man pajama onesie," I said as I showed Christian the onesies.
"Those are cute," Christian said.

"Mommy, show Daddy the elephant toy we got for the baby," Josephine said.
"Okay," I said before taking the plush elephant out of the bag.

"That's adorable," Christian said.
"Jo picked it out. She said that the baby should have a stuffed animal like she did when she was a baby," I said.

"That was very sweet of you to do, Jo," Christian said.
"Yeah," she said. 

"Jo, why don't you go play in your room for a bit? I need to talk to your daddy alone," I said.
"Okay, Mommy," she said before going to her room.

"You know that I'm not one to jump people's cases when they are gossiping since it's none of my business, but I have something to tell you," I said after closing the nursery door.
"What," Christian asked.
"While I was out shopping for the baby with Jo, I heard two women, who were about our age, gossiping about me saying that I only publicly announced that you and I are expecting our second child just to seek attention and that I only married you because we had Jo when we were teenagers. I politely called those two women out on their bullshit when I accidentally bumped into them while looking at stuffed animals with Jo. But I did politely call them out after they acted like they were huge fans of mine," I said.
"Well, you did the right thing. You stood up for yourself and did it without drawing attention," Christian said.
"Yeah," I said.
"We need to come up with a name for this little guy," Christian said as he stood up and put his hand on my swollen stomach.
"I don't know. What about Nicholas Christian? Nicholas because we were always bringing up that name when we tried to come up with a name two weeks ago, and Christian after you, obviously. We can call him Nicky when he's younger and Nick once he's older. If you don't like it, we can come up with something different," I said.
"I love it. It's perfect," Christian said before pulling me close and kissing me.
"Good," I said as I kissed him again.
"We need to start dinner soon. We seriously don't need you or Jo to be crabby again," Christian said.
"Hey! I don't get crabby when I don't eat," I said.
"You are when you're eating for two," Christian said.
"Let's just get dinner started," I said as I put the bags that had things for the baby on the ground.

I'm quite relieved that Christian and I finally agreed on a name for the baby after knowing that we'd be having a boy for about two months. I just hope that those two women who gossiped about me don't tell any media outlets what they said about me to start ugly rumors.

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