Chapter 14: A Familiar Face and Disapproval

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(Abby's P.O.V)

Nine months had gone by. It's now August of 1998. A month ago, Christian and I had gotten back from Italy where we filmed a film adaptation of one of Shakespeare's famous plays called A Midsummer Night's Dream. I had the role of Helena and Christian had the role of Demetrius. Natasha recently moved out of Mom and Dad's house and was staying with Christian and me until her new boyfriend finished painting his apartment. Why she didn't just stay with Mom and Dad until her boyfriend was done painting? I honestly don't know. Josephine and Nicholas loved having her stay with us, even though Christian and I know she can be a bit lazy, considering we have both lived with her before. Everyone had just finished breakfast. Christian and I were doing the dishes while Nicholas was sitting at the table playing with a toy.

"Mommy, can aunt Nat stay here forever," Nicholas asked.
"I'm afraid not, bubba. She's moving in with her boyfriend today," I answered.

"Thank God," Christian said as he put a dish in the dishwasher.

"Mom, why is aunt Nat moving in with her new boyfriend? Is her new boyfriend going to be my uncle one day," Josephine asked while walking into the kitchen.
"She's moving in with her new boyfriend because she loves him. To answer the second question, if your aunt Nat is lucky, she might end up marrying her new boyfriend in a few years," I replied.

"Dad, can we watch a movie together as a family," Josephine asked.
"Sure. What did you have in mind to watch," Christian asked.
"That Disney movie you did with Mom, uncle David, aunt Ami, and Dominic that you said I'm never allowed to watch for some reason," Josephine answered.
"You mean Newsies," Christian asked.
"Yes," Josephine replied.
"Not a chance," Christian said.
"But Mom said I could watch it one day and I want that day to be today," Josephine said.
"Nope," Christian said.
"Dad, please. If it's a musical, it can't be that bad. Besides, you sing to Nicky and me all the time. I like it when you sing, so I know I'm already gonna like the musical. Plus, I love Disney movies," Josephine said.
"I don't know," Christian said.
"Please, Dad? I promise I'll keep my room clean and play with Nicky for a week. Please," Josephine begged.
"Oh, alright. I'm holding you up to that," Christian said.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you," Josephine said as she hugged Christian.
"Go get your aunt and tell her we're going to be watching Newsies as a family," Christian said.
"Okay," Josephine said before running off to the guest room where Natasha was staying.

"I'm actually glad you're finally letting Jo watch Newsies. I mean, she was on set with us when we filmed it, even though she wasn't old enough to remember anything while we were there, and she had been old enough to watch it since she was like four years old. I think she'll like it," I said.
"I think so too," Christian said.
"Remember that day you, me, and some of the guys put crumpled up newspapers in Kenny's trailer and when he opened it, the newspapers fell on down on him or that time David put glue in my tube of lip gloss and my lips were stuck together for a couple of minutes or that time the guys messed up The World Will Know or the time Marty messed up his Delancey brothers line," I asked.
"Yeah. You, me, David, Ami, and the guys pulled some pretty good pranks on Kenny and each other, and we did try to make each other laugh a lot. I suppose we did have some fun times while working on that film," Christian answered.
"That we did," I said as Christian and I leaned in for a kiss.

"Ew," Nicholas exclaimed.
"You'll do that a lot when you're older, Nicky," Christian said.
"I will," the two year old asked.
"Yes, you will when you find a nice and caring woman like your mummy," Christian replied.

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