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On that Night

After completing all of her works, Pragya locks her cabin and came out of the company to the parking lot. She came towards her car and noticed Abhi sitting in the driver's seat.

Abhi: Shall we?

Pragya: I'm taking a cab.

Saying, Pragya starts to walk. Abhi lost his cool and got down from the car and walks furiously towards Pragya. He held her hand furiously, pulling her, making her face him.

Abhi: How many days you want me to come to your back? I'm fed up with your cold behavior.

Pragya: You hate me, right? Then, why it is bothering you. Just leave.

Abhi sighs.

Abhi: Ok Pragya. I know your past. But it is not the reason why my feelings for you have changed.

Pragya: Then why didn't you tell me about it?

Abhi: I felt bad and I don'...

Pragya: That only people would say as "pity". I'm not that week to earn your pity feeling on me, Mr. Abhi. I'm strong enough and I have proved it by building this company of mine by myself.

Abhi: Is this company and your money is enough for you Pragya?

Abhi snapped back.

Abhi: Don't you think that you need someone to love you? To care for you or to be with your side?

Pragya gave a sarcastic smile.

Pragya: I had people who used to love me. One died, the other betrayed me, and the other one whom I expect to see my love is feeling pity for me.

Abhi's face falls, seeing her.

Pragya: Can't you see? What I expected from you is love? Not this. Would you have been good with me even without knowing my past?

Abhi's mind screamed as no. He knows that at the beginning he felt pity for her, but that was not the case now.

Pragya: I know your answer. So please, leave my hand.

Abhi left her hand and she went from there. Abhi sat back on the seat and closes his eyes.

Pragya was walking on the road, controlling her tears.

Pragya's pov: Why he is not seeing my love? Why the people I love are getting away from me?... Before he came, I was used to loneliness, but now again I'm afraid of this loneliness.

From a high building, a sniper was standing, targeting Pragya. He was getting instructions from Neil in his Bluetooth receiver.

Neil: She is here.

Sniper: I too saw her and kept my target too.

Neil: Then for what you are waiting for. Just shoot her.

Sniper: I know what to do and when to do it. Just shut your mouth.

Neil closed his eyes controlling his anger. The sniper took his target and was about to pull the trigger, but suddenly, Abhi came in between.

Abhi: Pragya stop.

Abhi pulled Pragya's hand and made her look at him. The sniper stopped pulling the trigger.

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