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Thank you for all the readers who read my stories, voted it and left your comments and thank you for all of my followers...

I was about to update it yesterday, but due to some work, I was not able to update it yesterday. That's why I updated it today.

Bulbul, as usual, was walling here and there. While she was going, she was stopped by a bunch of flowers.

Bulbul: Purab

Purab: Good Morning, my love. Finally, I got your appointment.

Bulbul: Who said you got my appointment. Still, now I'm busy only.

Purab: Bulbul, stop this yaar. You know na I can't be without speaking to you. It became more than one month you stopped talking with me.

Purab signs. Purab and Bulbul were in a relationship for more than 1 year, but due to some argument, Bulbul stopped talking with Purab.

Bulbul: I won't listen to you until you listen to me.

Purab: What wrong, I said? Yes, that Pragya is a heartless woman. I also see you from the beginning, you are trying to mingle with her, but she is not even giving a damn to you. For that woman, why you are doing this much? WHO IS SHE TO YOU?

Bulbul's eyes were filled with tears hearing Purab's each and every question.

Purab: Does she considered anyone's feelings. She has been respected only because she is the biggest businesswoman and she is giving salary to all of us, other than that, she didn't earn any respect for her.

Bulbul shouts: Stop it Purab.

Purab stopped hearing Bulbul's voice and his face became pale seeing her tears.

Bulbul sobbing: I thought that you would understand me, but you didn't. Let's BREAK UP PURAB.

Purab's heart skipped a beat hearing Bulbul.

Bulbul: It would be good for us.

Purab with a broken voice: Are you breaking our relationship for her.

Bulbul: I'm breaking our relationship for us.

Bulbul went from there leaving Purab in tears. Abhi, who say their argument, went towards Purab and kept his hands in his shoulders. Purab turned and saw Abhi with tears.

Purab sobbing: She left me Abhi...

Abhi nodded negatively, whereas Purab immediately hugged him and broken into tears.

After sometime

Abhi made Purab drink some water and made him calm down.

Abhi: Do you want to speak anything?

Purab: She broke up with me for that Pragya.

Abhi: What?

Purab: From the beginning, Bulbul tries to mingle with that Pragya. I don't know why, but Bulbul likes her a lot from the beginning. But whenever Bulbul tries to speak with her, she would insult Bulbul a lot. She is such a heartless woman. I said this to Bulbul, and we had an argument. Bulbul didn't speak with me for more than one month, and now she said, she is breaking our relationship. How could she do this to you? Who is that Pragya to her?

Purab said, crying, whereas Abhi felt fishy about Bulbul's relationship.

On the other side, Bulbul entered into Pragya's cabin and saw her work.

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