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Thank you to all the readers who read my stories, voted it, and left your comments, and thank you for all of my followers...

I'm back again after a long time. Really very sorry for not updating my stories.

Let me continue...

Abhi and Pragya were dancing happily as per the beat of the music.

Pragya: What is going between you two?

Abhi: Between me and?

Pragya: Between you and your so-called ex. I know that something is wrong. What is going on?

Pragya asked whereas Abhi could sense jealousy.

Abhi: Something is wrong.

Pragya: What?

Pragya asked curiously.

Abhi: I could feel a burning smell.

Pragya: Burning smell? But I can't...

Pragya looked at Abhi's naughty look and frowns.

Pragya: Are you saying that I'm feeling jealous?

Abhi: Wow, what a discovery.

Pragya gave a deadly glare to him, whereas Abhi burst into a laugh.

Pragya: It's not funny.

Abhi: But you look funny.

Pragya became angry, and she was about to go, but Abhi pulled her and gripped his hold tightly around her waist. Pragya was taken aback and tried to release herself from his grip.

Abhi: Don't try too hard. You can't.

Abhi said in a husky voice, whereas Pragya was just kept staring at his intense grace. Soon the song stopped, and both came back to reality.

Pragya: I want to use the restroom.

Pragya excused herself and went from there.

Pragya went inside the washroom and looked herself in the mirror, reminiscing her encounter with Abhi. A blushy smile formed on her face.

Pragya's pov: What is he doing to me? God, I'm going crazy because of him...

Smiling inside herself, Pragya washed her hands and came out from the washroom. While she was on the way to the party, Pragya felt someone pulling her, and soon, she was pushed inside a dark room. Pragya steadied herself and looked at the person.

Pragya: Nikkil? What are you doing? Any important matter?

With a smirk on his face, Nikkil closed the door and locked it, confusing Pragya.

Pragya: Why are you closing the door? What's the matter?

Nikkil: Wait, Pragya ma'am. Anyway, you are going to know what I'm going to do.

Nikkil said and started to come closer to her with a lustful look. Pragya's breath hitched, seeing Nikkil's intention.

Pragya: Nikkil, don't dare to near me. Remember I'm your boss.

Nikkil: That is outside. Now, you are my prey, and I'm going to enjoy you.

Nikkil said and tried to hold Pragya, but she pushed him and tried to open the door. To Pragya's dismay, Nikkil held her back, pretending her from opening the door, and pushed her on the floor. Pragya steadied herself and looked at Nikkil, who gave a nasty smirk.

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