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Abhi: Fuggi...

Child Abhi said to Pragya, who gave a glare to him.

Pragya: I'm not Fuggy

Pragya protested with a cute pout.

Abhi: You look like a balloon, so you are fuggy.

Pragya: I'm not

Abhi: You are

Pragya: I'm not

Both Abhi and Pragya started to fight. Bulbul, who saw all this, began to cry, seeing them. Bulbul felt someone lifting her, and soon, she buried her face on the person's neck.

Priya: Shh... Don't cry, darling...

Priya patted Bulbul's back, comforting her, whereas Abhi and Pragya stopped their fight, seeing Priya.

Priya: Again, you both have started to fight.

Pragya: I swear mamma, I didn't do anything. He only called me Fuggy.

Pragya said pointing Abhi.

Bulbul: Yes, awntie.

Bulbul said, still crying. Abhi looked at Priya with a puppy face.

Priya: Abhi, why you called like that?

Abhi in a low tone: She looks like a balloon, that's why auntie. Sorry.

Abhi said, with a sad face.

Priya: Aww... Come here.

Priya hugged Abhi, whereas he hugged her happily. Breaking the hug, Priya said...

Priya: But she doesn't like it na.

Abhi: I don't like to call her with any other name other than fuggy.

Priya chuckled, hearing him.

Priya: Do you like your fuggy?

Abhi nodded his head up and down, hearing her. Priya looked at Pragya, who was standing there silently.

Pragya: You like me?

Abhi nodded as yes. Pragya smiled, seeing him, whereas Abhi's face also became brighter. Pragya took a chocolate from her pocket and gave it to Abhi. Abhi got it from her happily.

Priya: So, you both are friends from now onwards?

Priya asked whereas both nodded as yes. Smiling, Priya hugged both of them happily.

 Smiling, Priya hugged both of them happily

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