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After playing for some time with kids, Abhi came out along with Pragya. Abhi turned towards Pragya and gave a satisfied smile.

Pragya: How do you feel now?

Abhi didn't reply anything, but he pulled her and gave a friendly hug, whereas Pragya's heart skipped a beat, feeling him.

Abhi: Thank you for this wonderful moment. I felt really happy.

Pragya reciprocated the hug with a pleasant smile. Abhi broke the hug.

Abhi: Shall we go?

Abhi asked whereas Pragya nodded as yes. Abhi dropped Pragya in her house.

Abhi: Ok, Pragya, let me go.

Pragya: Bye, Rockstar...

Abhi gave a surprising look, whereas Pragya smiled at him. Abhi went from there, whereas Pragya entered into her house with a heartful of satisfaction.

Abhi's pov: I didn't expect that Lady Hitler would be this much sweet. When I was with kids, I forgot about everything that happened between Preethi and me. I have to thank Pragya only for that. She only made me forget my pain.

With all these thoughts, Abhi went to his house.

After two days

Abhi was working in the office as usual. His work got disturbed when he heard his phone ring. He became furious, seeing the caller id. He closed his eyes and controlled his anger. He cuts the call and continued to work. Again the phone starts to ring. Cursing his fate, Abhi attended the call.

Abhi: Hm

Preethi: How are you, Abhi?

Abhi: Why does it matter to you?

Preethi sobbing: Abhi...

Abhi sternly: What do you want?

Preethi: I still love you Abhi...

Abhi sternly: It doesn't matter to me now. I have a lot of work. Better cut the call.

Abhi was about to cut the call, but stopped in shock, hearing Preethi...

Preethi: Abhi... Pragya is the reason for our marriage cancel.

Abhi with shock: What?

Preethi: She only black-mailed me. She said that if I didn't break up with you, then she would kill me.


Preethi was about to get up whereas Pragya took her knife and kept it on Preethi's neck, making her eyes pop out from her socket. Preethi was about to shout, whereas Pragya kept her finger on Preethi's lips.

Pragya: Shh... Don't even try to shout. If this knife went an inch deeper, then, you will go to your ancestors' place. Do you want it?

Preethi shuts her mouth, seeing Pragya's deadly glare.

Pragya: Come with me...

Pragya took Preethi to the terrace, without removing the knife from her neck. After ensuring that no one is there, she continued.

Pragya: Listen carefully. Abhi is mine and only mine. If you try to snatch him from me, then I won't think even for a second to kill you.

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