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Next Morning

Pragya woke up from the sleep, and found herself, hugging Abhi. She gave a pale smile, seeing him closer. She caressed his head and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Before he could wake up, Pragya got up without disturbing him and went to fresh up. After some time, Abhi woke up and found himself alone in the bed. Sighing, he got up and went down to the hall.

Abhi: Robin...

Robin came running to Abhi, hearing his voice.

Abhi: Where is Pragya?

Robin: Ma'am went to the office early.

Abhi got confused.

Abhi's pov: Every day, she used to torture me during the morning. But today, she ran to the office before I wake up? Strange.

Bulbul was working in the office when she heard her phone ringing. She took it and attended the call, seeing Abhi's number.

Bulbul: Han Abhi?

Abhi: When can we meet today?

Bulbul: I'm in the office, Abhi. After office hours, we can meet at the Café Coffee shop.

Abhi: Done.

After the Office Hours

While Bulbul was crossing the office, she noticed Pragya sitting with a pale face. Bulbul entered into the room.

Bulbul: Ma'am.

Pragya came to sense, hearing Bulbul's voice.

Pragya: Han...

Bulbul: Time up, ma'am.

Pragya sternly: I know. You don't want to remind me.

Bulbul signed and looked at Pragya for some time.

Bulbul: Pragya

Pragya: I'm not Pragya to you. I'm your boss, and you are my employee.

Bulbul: Pragya, I'm sorry for everything that happened. But please, stop this all. Why are you faking yourself?

Pragya: I'm not faking. Actually, to say, I'm delighted now. I have got what I want. I have my Abhi, and I'm happy about it.

Pragya snapped back.

Bulbul: Really

Bulbul asked bitterly.

Pragya: Yes

Bulbul: I know that you are not happy.

Pragya became silent.

Bulbul: Please understand Pragya. I care for you.

Pragya sarcastically: Care?

Pragya scoffed.

Pragya: I have seen you and your mother's care a lot. Where your care went when I was in the problem? Where your so-called care went when I pleaded you both for help?

Bulbul's eyes were filled with tears, hearing Pragya.

Bulbul: We were not able to rescue you.

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