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Pragya hugged Abhi tightly burying her face in his chest. She clutched his back tightly like a child hugging her mother. Her eyes filled with tears making his shirt wet. Her past memories flashed in front of her making her vulnerable. 

"Pragya don't worry I'm there na. Don't worry baby."

"I'm afraid of dark"

"I'm with you na. Whatever the situation would be think me in your mind. Everything would become alright. My baby's fear also will run out from her"

These are the words echoing her ears making her eyes to get wet. She clutched his shirt even tighter and not ready to leave him. Abhi gets confused seeing her behavior.

Abhi thinks: What happened to her? I didn't expect that Hitler will be afraid of the dark. Is she is crying? No no, she will not cry. Maybe it would be her sweat.

Lights get oned and the lift starts working, but Pragya didn't leave Abhi. She was hugging him tightly.

Abhi in low voice: Pragya...

He didn't get any reaction from her. He shooked her.

Abhi: Pragya...

Pragya whispers: Pls, Pls...

Abhi with confusion and nervousness holds her shoulders. 

Abhi: Pragya light came. There is nothing to get worried. You are fine.

Pragya opened her eyes slowly. She loosened her grip on Abhi. Slowly she came to reality and gets away from Abhi. She turned to the other side and wiped the tears without Abhi's knowledge. When she turned towards Abhi, he lifts his hands saying that he is not responsible.  The lift gets opened whereas Pragya gets back to her form.

The lift operator was standing there with fear in his face.

Liftman: M....Ma'am, I'm sorry about this mistake. I...

Before he could continue, Pragya showed her hands in front of him. She took her mobile and dialed a number.

Pragya: Bulbul, fire the lift operator and ask the watchman to stick a sticker that the lift is not working. Recruit some other for the lift operator post.

She hangs the phone and went from there making Abhi and the lift operator making their eyes wider. Lift operator went from there with a sad face.

Abhi thinks: Few minutes before, she was like a cat. But now suddenly she became a lion. My god, seriously it's very tough to understand this Hitler.

Abhi: She is an unbelievable women ma. Sarla you itself say who will do like this. She is heartless.

Siddharth: Why are you not thinking in her perspective?

Disha: What is her perspective in this. If she is boss means it's not mandatory that she can do whatever she thinks

Abhi: Exactly.

Abhi and Disha did hi-fy.

Siddharth: Listen to what I say. There are at least 200 staffs working in your company. What she would have done if something has happened to them? She should be alert and perfect in what she does na.

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