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After Few Days

Abhi came down to have his breakfast. He found Pragya nowhere near the dining table.

Abhi: Robin...

Robin came, hearing Abhi's voice.

Abhi: Where is she?

Robin: Sir today ma'am, went to the office earlier, sir.

Abhi nodded and started to eat. He heard his phone ringing. He attended the calling, seeing Siddharth's number.

Abhi: Ya, Siddharth.

Siddharth: Abhi, where are you?

Abhi: Don't you know where I would be? I'm in that Lady Hitler's home only.

Abhi said sulking.

Siddharth: Don't you know the matter?

Abhi: What matters?

Siddharth: Abhi, Today is Preethi's marriage.

Abhi's face falls, hearing Siddharth.

Abhi: You are kidding me.

Siddharth: Abhi, I'm serious.

Siddharth said sternly, whereas Abhi felt like someone is stabbing his heart.

Abhi: W...Where?

Abhi asked in choking voice.

Siddharth: Grand Mahal Hall.

Abhi hung the call and rushed to the venue. His eyes started to shed tears, seeing Preethi in the mandap with some other. His body began to shiver, and he felt suffocated to stand there. He began to breathe heavily.

Preethi's father approached him furiously after seeing him there.

P's Father: What are you doing here?

Abhi: How could you do this? How could you get her married without her will?

P's father: She is doing this marriage willingly only. Don't create a scene here. Get out.

Abhi was watching Preethi getting married to some other with tears in his eyes. Preethi's father saw him with a smirk.

P's father: Finally, I have completed my duty perfectly. Now, there is no hurdle for my daughter's happiness. Already you have made her cry her a lot. Don't show your face to her again.

Preethi's father said furiously, whereas Abhi went from there, giving a deadly glare to Preethi's father.

At Evening

Pragya came home early and went towards her room. To her shock, her room was dark, and Abhi was sitting on the floor. Pragya got worried and switched on the lights and saw Abhi's face, which was pale with tears. Pragya went towards him and kept her hand on his shoulder. Abhi lifted his head and looked at her with tears on his eyes. He pushed her hand angrily, making her get jerked by his action.

Pragya: Abhi...

Abhi held her neck tightly and started to strangle it, whereas Pragya felt suffocating.

Pragya chocking: Wh...what are you doing?

Abhi: Finally you have achieved what you wished na...

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