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Thank you for all the readers who read my stories, voted it and left your comments and thank you for all of my followers...

After a very long time, I'm updating this story. Sorry for making you all wait and thank you for waiting.

Pragya sternly: Mr Abhishek Prem Mehra...

Abhi stopped hearing her voice. He turned and saw her, who wiped her tears and gave an evil look. She sat on her chair in a bossy style with an evil smile, whereas Abhi gave a deadly glare to her.

Abhi: So, the real Pragya is back.

Pragya: Yes

Abhi: But this won't work Ms Pragya

Pragya: Stop arguing darling

Abhi furiously: Don't dare to call me darling and all.

Abhi said furiously, whereas Pragya chuckled, seeing him.

Pragya: Then, how should I call my future fiancée, DARLING?

Pragya asked stressing the word darling, making Abhi to get irritated. Abhi signs...

Abhi: Look Pragya, I don't love you, and I said it clearly to you on that day itself.

Pragya: I'm also saying you clearly that I love you.

Abhi got frustrated and was about to go, but Pragya pulled him and pushed him on the sofa. She went and sat on his lap, making him get even more frustrated.

Abhi roared: Get down from my lap.

Pragya huskily: Why? Is it affects you?

Pragya asked, caressing his cheeks, whereas Abhi turned his face to the other side in hesitation.

Pragya: Abhi, I have a bad habit. I don't like people interfering in my way. I would just destroy them.

Abhi furiously: Don't even dare to do anything to Preethi.

Pragya: Wow, you got the point. And shall I tell you one thing? She doesn't love you truly.

Abhi gave a deadly glare to her.

Pragya: I'm swearing. (Pinching her throat) Because... (Pragya paused) Na nana, I can't reveal it now. It's a secrete between us.

Abhi: Between?

Pragya: I and Preethi and I can't reveal it now. Let us brush it off. It's not needed now. If you want her alive and healthy, marry me.

Abhi: Don't you feel ashamed to ask like this? How could you get love by blackmailing?

Abhi asked whereas Pragya smirked. She came towards his ears, whereas Abhi felt goosebumps.

Pragya whispered: I don't want to feel the pain of losing my dearest one again Abhi. I want you and you are mine, only mine.

Pragya said and kissed on his cheeks sensually, making Abhi dumbstruck.

Abhi stammered: Don't... try to come... closer to me.

Pragya whispered: Why? Is it affecting you?

Abhi: I feel uncomfortable.

Pragya: Lie. I know that I have an effect on you.

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