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Pragya lazily opened her eyes and looked at Abhi, who was sleeping peacefully hugging her. Smiling at him, she caressed his cheek lovingly. This is the day she was waiting for and finally, he got her love, her Abhi. Still, now it's like a dream to her, being in his embrace. She feels like she is the world's happiest woman.

Abhi murmured: Do you want to go for another round?

Pragya became pink, hearing him. Abhi opened his eyes and looked at Pragya.

Abhi: If you are ready, I'm also ready?

Blushing, Pragya hugs him burying her face on his chest and Abhi chuckled. Lifting her head, Pragya looks at Abhi.

Pragya: I can't believe that now I'm with you. It's like a dream for me.

With a naughty smile, Abhi bends and kisses Pragya. Breaking the kiss, he whispers.

Abhi: It's not a dream. I'm near you and I won't leave you. Never again.

Pragya smiled with tears in her eyes. Abhi wiped her tears and Pragya hugged him tightly, cuddling.

After One week

Abhi and Pragya reached India. Both went straight to Pragya's house.

Pragya: Why are we here?

Abhi frowns hearing her.

Abhi: What do you mean by why are we here?

Pragya: I mean, we have to be in our house na.

Abhi: You are confusing me now. This is our house na.

Pragya: This is also our house. But I expected you to take me to your house. I thought that Sarla auntie accepted us.

Pragya said little upset. Abhi smiled and kissed Pragya's forehead.

Abhi: My mother accepted us long back. It's just that I thought you won't be comfortable in my house.

Pragya: Why would I not be comfortable?

Abhi: My house is not big and luxurious like yours Pragya. So only.

Pragya: But you would be there na. That is all that I need.

Abhi smiled and hugged Pragya happily.

Abhi: Okay. Now let's take a rest. Tomorrow morning, I will take you to our house.

Pragya squealed happily and Abhi chuckled seeing her.

Abhi: And today evening, get ready. We are going somewhere.

Pragya breaks the hug and looks at him with a confused face.

Pragya: Where are we going?

Abhi: Surprise.

Abhi said holding her hand and took her inside the house.


Abhi was driving the car and Pragya was sitting beside him in the passenger seat, happily.

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