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Thank you for all the readers who read my stories, voted it and left your comments and thank you for all of my followers....

Let me continue the story...

Next day, it is a hurry burry day for everyone because it is weekday. Everyone were busy in their work and sun does its work by making the Mumbai hottest city.

Abhi was standing in front of "Arora Groups of Company". After staring it for two minutes, he took his mobile and dialed for call.

Preethi who was doing her work, get disturbed by the phone ring.

Abhi: Preethi, come out and take me in...

Preethi: Abhi, I'm in work. You just come in and ask receptionist.

Abhi: No, you only should come and pick me..

Preethi: Are you this company's boss to pick you up?

Abhi: I'm your boss...

Preethi blushed hearing him..

Abhi :  Come and pick me up...

Preethi: Wait...

Preethi cuts the call and was about to go but stopped by Bulbul.

Bulbul: Preethi, where are you going?

Preethi: Han ma'am, my friend has come to attend the interview. He is little nervous, so asked me to come..

Bulbul: Ok, go and come fast before boss could come...

Preethi: Ok...

Preethi says and runs to see Abhi. She came out and saw Abhi who was smiling at her sheepishly were as she glared at him.

Preethi: Abhi....

Abhi: Just today, pls....

Abhi pouts were as Preethi cannot stop herself admiring him. She held his hand and took him inside the office were as Abhi followed her with a smile in his face. 

Preethi took him to the interview floor.

Preethi: Wait here, you can go when your turn comes. (Seeing the other side) Hi Purab..

Purab: Hai Preethi...

Preethi: This is Abhi...

Purab: Hi Abhi...

Both exchanged a smile...

Preethi: He is my friend. He came for interview...

Purab: Oh...

Abhi gets angry. He went near Preethi's ears.

Abhi mummered: Friend, you can say him na that I'm your fiance..

Preethi mummered: Abhi, when our marriage is officially announced, that time I will say everyone...

Abhi: How rude...

Preethi: Han let me go..

Abhi: Where? 

Preethi: I have work...

Purab: Don't worry, I will give you company...

Abhi: Then ok...

Preethi: Abhi all the best....

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