CHAPTER 35(Final Chapter)

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Thank you to all the readers who read my stories, voted for me, and left your comments, and thank you for all of my followers...

Hi guys. I know it's been a long time since I have updated my stories. I was busy with my college final projects. Finally, my exams and my college got over and I'm free now. After this, I will give you all regular updates on my stories.

Abhi opened his eyes, everyone was standing around him.

Sarla: How are you feeling now?

Abhi's eyes wandered around the room, searching for Pragya, but to his dismay, she was not there. Plastering a smile, Abhi nodded as yes and Sarla left a relief sigh. After some time, Preethi came to the hospital along with her husband to meet Abhi. After ensuring that he is fine, she went from there.

Next Morning

All his friends and colleagues came there to visit Abhi. Abhi was pissed off, knowing that Pragya left from there, after admitting him. After some time, Purab came inside the room, along with Siddharth.

Abhi: Purab, where is Pragya?

Purab hesitated, whereas Abhi was kept on glaring at him for the answer.

Abhi: Purab, say it.

Abhi said in a stern tone.

Purab: Pragya went to the US as she has some client meetings.

Abhi: Leaving me like this?

Abhi asked with a pale face.

Abhi: How can you let her go, Purab? You should have stopped her at least until I wake up.

Purab: What would I do man? For you, she is your wife. But, she is my Hitler boss yaar.

Abhi sulked.

Abhi: I would have confessed her. But that stupid sniper spoiled all of my plans.

Abhi said regretting.

Siddharth: Maybe, she might have an important meeting man. That's why she left.

Purab: No.

Purab looked at Abhi with a pale face and told everything Pragya asked to inform him. Abhi's face falls, hearing it.

Abhi: So? Did she leave me?

Abhi's eyes were filled with tears. Purab and Siddharth were standing there, helplessly. The trio heard the door knock sound. Purab opened and looked at Bulbul, standing there.

Purab: Bulbul?

Bulbul: How is he?

Bulbul said entering the room and went towards Abhi. Sarla also came inside the room, along with Bulbul.

Bulbul: What happened?

Abhi: She left me Bulbul.

Bulbul: What?

Abhi: She said that she is going to break this marriage.

Abhi said with tears in his eyes.

Abhi: She left me.

Bulbul: But why?

Abhi lifted his head and looked at Bulbul. He explained the misunderstanding they had between them and yesterday night's incident.

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