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Pragya ran to the bathroom and locked herself, whereas Abhi ran his fingers in his hair. She has never expected that Abhi would kiss her. On Abhi's side, he tried to do something but ended up doing some other.

Abhi's pov: What happened to you, Abhi? Have you gone mad? I planned to tease her, but in the end, I got teased. I don't understand what is happening in me? Ahhh...

Abhi scratched his head vigorously in confusion.

Pragya was breathing heavily. She touched her forehead and found sweat-filled. She gulped her saliva and controlled herself.

Pragya's pov: Is this is a dream? If it is a dream, then I don't want to wake up. He kissed me, that too passionately. Is he also has feelings for me? But that can't be possible. He can't love me in overnight. There is some reason for his behaviour. Whatever it could be, I should stop him. He is always mine, and I won't lose him. I would go to any extend for that.

Pragya thought in her mind, determinedly.

In A House

Preethi was sitting with a pale face. She was watching outside the window, remembering her moments with Abhi. She was so engrossed in her thoughts. She didn't realise that her husband Jai, came and sat near her.

Jai: Preethi...

Preethi came out of her thoughts, hearing Jai's voice.

Preethi: Han...

Jai: Why are you looking dull? Are you feeling sick?

Jai asked whereas Preethi nodded negatively.

Jai: Preethi, I can understand that something is bothering you. All I have to say is, I will wait for you. I will wait until you accept me.

Jai said longingly, but he didn't receive the response he expected. So, signing sadly, he went from there.

Preethi's pov: I'm sorry, Jai. I can't accept you. My mind and my soul is filled with Abhi. I can't give that place to you.

Preethi thought.

Next Morning

In a Café

Abhi, Siddharth, Purab and Bulbul were having coffee, discussing.

Purab: I thought everything was going fine.

Abhi: What went wrong?

Abhi asked, confused, whereas Purab looked at Bulbul, who was sitting mood off.

Abhi: Bulbul...

Bulbul: I can understand yaar. But it hurts whenever she avoids me.

Bulbul said with a pale face.

Abhi: I can understand your pain Bulbul. It is not your mistake. Fate played a nasty game in both of yours' life. Pragya was broken beyond repair, Bulbul. It would take time. Let's try.

Siddharth: What are we going to do next?

Abhi: No idea, man. But, as per now, Pragya is back to Hitler form.

Abhi said sulking.

Bulbul: Even though Pragya is showing herself strong outside, inside, she is like a baby. Still, now, she is longing for love. And Abhi, she is insecure about you. We want to give her the love she is longing for. Abhi, you can only do it.

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