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Abhi and Bulbul were sitting in a cafe.

Abhi: How can she murder someone, Bulbul?

Abhi asked whereas Bulbul signed tiredly.

Bulbul: 50

Abhi: Means?

Bulbul: This is the 50th time you are asking the same question. How much time I have to say you, Abhi. He deserves it.

Abhi: I can understand it. But killing someone is wrong.

Bulbul: Ok. What you were about to do to him when he tried to molest Pragya?

Abhi gave a sheepish look.

Abhi: Ok. Whatever she did is right only. But what about the consequences? What if it becomes a police case?

Bulbul: Pragya knows how to handle it. So, don't worry.

Abhi nodded accepting it.

Preethi came to the same cafe along with her husband. She noticed Abhi, sitting with Bulbul. Excusing herself from her husband, Preethi came towards Abhi.

Preethi: Hi Abhi, hi Bulbul.

Bulbul smiled hesitantly, whereas Abhi got up to leave.

Preethi: Abhi, please. I just need to talk with you for five minutes alone.

Abhi signed and sat on the chair.

Bulbul: I will wait outside, Abhi.

Giving them privacy, Bulbul went from there. Preethi sat opposite Abhi.

Preethi: How are you?

Abhi: Fine

Abhi said sternly.

Preethi: What is your problem? Why are you behaving like this?

Abhi: How can you ask such a question after everything happened?

Abhi asked angrily.

Preethi: You know that Pragya is the reason.

Abhi: You have no right to pinpoint her.

Preethi: What happened to you, Abhi?

Abhi gripped the spoon on the table in anger.

Abhi: I know that you got money from Pragya to break up with me.

Preethi gasped, hearing Abhi.

Preethi: So, she said the truth to you and for that, you have taken her side? That shame....

Abhi: Don't you dare speak about her? As I said, you have no right to speak about her.

Abhi said, getting up from his chair.

Preethi: How can you support her Abhi?

Preethi asked with tears in her eyes.

Abhi: Don't justify your mistake, Preethi.

Abhi roared.

Preethi: Ok, I'm not justifying my mistake. But it doesn't mean that whatever she did is justifiable. Do you remember how much we loved each other? We were planning for our beautiful future. But, she is the one who spoiled everything. She snatched you from me. And you are supporting her now?

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