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My fingers drift along the crease of her skin, dragging from the tip of her thumb to the tip of her index finger. Her hands are cold, like they usually are. Her long hair trailed across my arm, face buried into my neck.

"I miss Lily and Harper." She whispers, and my heart breaks for her at that moment, because I know how devastated she is. She misses them, so much. They're like her children, something that must be crushing her that she can't see them. "You know my step-dad called me?" She mumbles into my neck, and I pull away a little to look into her eyes and wipe away lingering tears.

"What did he say?" February's hand slides into mine and she sighs.

"He said a few things, actually. I didn't talk to either of the girls because we both decided it would most likely upset them. He's going to keep paying my phone bill and send me money for food and other things, probably 300-400$ a month. He's pulling from a savings fund my mom doesn't even know about, some money from a passed relative I think. He told me days my mother is gone I can come by and see the girls. But I can't go home. My mom is so set on it that it won't happen. I tried to call her and she blocked my number."

Her face goes back to its previous spot, right in the crook of my neck, and I know it's because she hates when people see her cry.

My hands wrap around her and squeeze her tightly, letting her legs wrap around my hips and let our bodies mold together. I rub circles into her back as I feel her silently cry into my chest, every once in a while catching her breath in the way you do after crying for a while.

I feel my emotions spilling over and a tear falling down the side of my face. I take a deep breath and recollect myself, knowing I want to be strong for her. All she has right now is me, I'm her rock. I want to do everything and anything in my power to make her feel safe.

"I love you." I whisper, and all she can reply is sobbing, into my neck until she has nothing left. A few minutes after her stopping, I carry her up to my bed, laying her down on top of me, her head on my chest and hands in mine.

"I'll always be here for you." I whisper into her ear. "I promise."

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