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"Get up get up get up get up!" February sings, somehow wriggling out of my arms without waking me up, now jumping on the bed and nearly missing my hand.

"What is your deal." I moan, rolling over and over avoid the sunshine now streaming through my blinds.

"It's Christmas, get up!" February whispers as she crawls back up onto the bed and rolling me over so I now stare up at her. She swings her legs on either side of me, moving her face down to stare into my eyes, noses touching. "Love you." She presses her lips to mine, my hands tangled in her hair, savoring the sweet taste of her lips.

"Merry Christmas" I whisper, scooping her into my arms and off the bed, carrying her to the living room. I set her down in front of our small fake Christmas tree, and leave to the bathroom.

I come back with two cups of coffee, one for her and one for me, and find my mother and February talking on the couch, smiling and laughing. I stand still and stare in silence, taking in the bliss radiating from the room. I hand her a cup and hand my cup to mom, and leaving to get another cup for myself.

I finally get back and slide next to February on the floor, handing her one of the presents i wrapped for her. I spot a large bag in the corner of the room, peeking out behind the tree, knowing it must be from February since I hadn't seen it in previous days.

I watch her unwrap the box with the book bag in it, and she is the most amazing person to watch when opening presents. Her face lights up and you can read every thought and emotion running through her mind.

She opens up all of her presents, all in total being the items from Pink, the book bag, headphones, a new pair of shoes. Surprisingly she also received a large care package from my mother, containing movies, candy, and all sorts of essentials February needs, since she didn't grab much before leaving.

"Thank you." She says brightly, although I can tell she is emotional from the present, striking something in her mind. She pulls February into a tight hug. After pulling away I hand mom a few presents I bought for her, her favorite candles, a new Jason Mraz CD and a couple shirts.

"Merry Christmas." February says, handing me the large bag that was hiding behind the tree. She leans over and goes to kiss me on the cheek, but instead I turn so our lips meet, and stay there for a while. When we separate, all I can do is look at her and realize how lucky I am.

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