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I stare at the screen along with February and watch the credits roll down the laptop before switching back to the main Netflix menu.

"Told you it was good." She says to me and wriggles off my lap, hopping off of my bed.

"I never said it was." I laugh, dragging out the last word. She only responds by throwing a T-shirt in my direction, walking out of my room and to the bathroom.

I lay on my back and rake my fingers through my hair, still confused on what to get February for Christmas, only 4 more days.

The door swings open quickly and February races to my bed and flies into it, landing directly on top of me and causing me to make a lovely 'oomf' sound. Her beautiful laughter fills the room, and I would have her do that to me a million times to hear her laugh.

"Sorry." She whispers into my ear, kissing my ear and all the way to my jaw, meeting my lips. She stays there for a minute before stopping to rest her forehead on mine and just look at me. "I really love you. Is that crazy it happened quickly?"

"I don't think so, there shouldn't be a time limit on love." I tell her, letting her leg swing over so she straddled me, resting her head on my shoulder and her arms around my neck.

She mutters approval into my neck, and I can feel her smiling against me.
"What do you want for Christmas? I seriously want to know what you want, don't worry about how much it is."

"I'm just happy with you." She yawns into my neck and nuzzles closer to me and I chuckle.

"Pick something." I say, playfully grabbing her bottom, making her burst out into laughter. "Just tell me what you like."

"Umm.. I like music, and you know what type. I like Pink, converse, I'm really easy to shop for." She says and I groan at that.

"I went to the mall already and I suck at shopping. But I think I know what I'm doing for you now." My mind whirling with the idea, becoming more and more thought out the more I think of it.

"Tell me!" She whines, lifting her face from my neck, and leaning close enough just for our noses to touch.

"Wait till Christmas," I smile, "it's stupid if I tell you now."

"Well I got your present, I knew what I was doing for a while." She says smugly.

"Good for you." I say, my voice thick with sarcasm. I wrap my arms around her waist and look into those crystal blue eyes, and smile for what seems like the millionth time today. "I'm just lucky enough to have you right now, and that's enough of a present for me."

a/n I'm curious so in the comments tell me your favorite thing about this story.

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