April 1999

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Twenty-eight year old, Jotaro Kujo listens to his taxi's radio static until the taxi drives past a radio tower. The radio's music becomes clear. "We usually get a good reception when we pass that tower." The driver comments, "Is this your first time in Morioh, sir?" Jotaro replies with a short yes, "What kind of place is it?" He hopes he will get a bit of information before arriving there. The driver simply answers that their beef tongue cooked in miso is good.

"Anything strange about it? Any incidents?" Jotaro presses for more important information. His questions can't be answered since the driver doesn't know anything about the town. The man looks out of the window as the driver asks where he should drop him off. "In front of the station is fine." Jotaro replies. He took out an old photo from his inner coat pocket to take a glance. A photo of his younger years with the Crusaders, his blue eyes lands on the young woman in the photo. 

How long has it been since she disappeared from the face of the Earth? 

The group looked tirelessly for the young woman. Most people would give up after a couple of years of searching. Some would declare the missing person dead but not them. They owed her so much - to heal, protect, and even sacrifice for them on their journey. Especially his best friend, Noriaki Kakyoin who worked with  the Speedwagon Foundation just recently. They don't know why Celia Caesar doesn't exist in the records but they will get to the bottom of it. In the deepest part of their soul, they have the feeling that she is alive somewhere.

They just need to find her.

"Yare Yare Daze...I just hope nothing annoying happens." He mutters under his breath, putting the photo back in his coat's pocket. Arriving at the station, Jotaro paid his driver with the money needed for the trip. The taxi drove away. Jotaro pulls out the map of Morioh from his pocket to search for a certain someone. Someone bump to him. Using Star Platinum, he quickly caught the teenager's school supplies before they hit the ground. 

He returns the school bag to Koichi's hands in a second. Jotaro heard the teenager, Koichi become confused. He folds his map to look at Koichi. "I have a question. Do you know of a Higashikata household around here?" He asks the teenager. Koichi replies with a no. "Then you know this address, Johzenji 1-6?" Koichi tells him to take the #3 bus to take him to his destination. Jotaro thanks the teenager and begins to walk away. He stops to hear upper-class men ask Koichi if he was a new student. 

Jotaro listens to Koichi introduce himself to the upper-classmen. Koichi reassures him that they get on the other bus. That same upper-classman shouts at one teenager kneeling beside the town's pond which has a friendly turtle. Jotaro listens to Josuke explains to the group that he needs to get over his fear of reptiles. Koichi and Jotaro watch the upper-class man slap the side of Josuke's face. "I'm sorry. I had no idea, senpai." Josuke politely bows to the group. Koichi comments how cruel they were to the turtle as it was thrown at the stone pillar nearby.

"That just means if you don't want them after you, don't dress like that." Jotaro decides to advise Koichi when watching the scene before them. "It pissed me off that he isn't even mad after what they did to that turtle." Jotaro begins to walk away, having enough of this non-sense. 

"Hey, wimp. Why don't you tell me your name?"

"Josuke Higashikata, from Class 1-B." 

That name stops Jotaro in his tracks. It is the person that Jotaro is looking for! The punk regrets saying something about Josuke's hair. Instead of compliance, he is met with an angry Josuke. Jotaro watches a stand's swing at the punk's face with his fist, knocking a tooth out and a busted up nose. For some reason, Jotaro thought the swing of his punch looks familiar. Josuke glares at the group. He won't let anyone get away from insulting his hair.

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