Sandwich Mayhem

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Closing her bookstore for lunch time, Cece decides to take a quick trip to Morioh's sandwich shop. She left twenty minutes before 12 p.m. to get her sandwich before it sold out. Walking to her destination, she finally arrives to be greeted by one of its workers. The smell of fresh bread fills the air. There are a few people in the store, looking among the products. The sight of cinnamon bread packaged ready to go made her mouth water. She wonders which sandwich will catch her interest this time. 

"Man, I should invite Noriaki to lunch." She thought to herself. Cece promises herself to invite him next time since he is probably busy or has other plans. Picking up the store's plastic tray and metal tongs, she walks around until her eyes lands on a katsu sandwich. Using the tong's, she grab her sandwich to put it on the tray. Cece moves on to the shelves at her left to pick up a chicken sandwich since she is starving today. With her back facing the door and the register, she didn't see a certain individual enter the shop. 

Kira Yoshikage in his purple suit has entered the store. The worker greets Kira with a smile. The antagonist of this story approaches the shelf where Cece once stood just seconds ago. She wonders what luck she had to be within arm length of Kira if she laid eyes on him. Kira paid no mind to the woman who has her back to him, laying his eyes on the katsu sandwiches on display. 

"Cookies or Danish Pastry..." Cece stares at the dessert, mentally debating which one to get. Both of them look so delicious to the woman. Just as she reaches for the Danish pastry, a voice made her froze in place. "Have I ever left you alone? Hm?" Kira's voice catches her ears. The sound of his voice brought chills down her spine. She felt like the air in her body is lock in place. It felt she is suffocating in outer space. Curses form in her head from the mere thought of being within arm's length of Kira. "...Oh it time?" Cece isn't ready to deal with Kira especially alone. 



She silently orders her body to move. Thankfully her body respond to her orders, grabbing the bag of Danish pastry from the shelf. The sound of a wrapper crinkling, and Kira's whispers loving towards his hand wife become distant when she moves towards the register without looking back. She must not draw attention to herself especially an individual who lusts over hands. 

Cece wants to keep her remaining hand!

The woman behind the register greets Cece as she let her scan her sandwiches and dessert. A chill runs down her spine when feeling Kira's presence moving close. The woman tells her the amount she is owed. Cece pulls out her wallet from her pants' pocket to give the right amount. With a smile, Cece was given her food in a paper bag. "Thank you, come again!" Cece left the store with her food. As she turns the corner, she took the path to the park. Her body moves to the back of the tree as she exhales a long breath. 

Her heart beating wildly against her chest. Many things run through her mind, brushing close with a possible death. It took a minute for her to collect herself. A question forms in her mind - What should she do? Another thing pops up in her head. Where is Shigechi? His death spurs the others to look Kira Yoshikage. Realizing that she is in the park, she looks around for any signs of the boys. Cece walks along the stone path. "Hey, Sis!" Someone from the distance calls out to her. 

Her eyes lands on Josuke and Okuyasu who wave to her. "What are you doing here?" Josuke asks. Cece held her bag in her left hand. "I'm on a lunch break and decide to buy a few things from St. Gentleman." She explains. Okuyasu nods his head. "We are heading there to buy sandwiches for lunch." Josuke said with a smile on his face, his right hand holding a 1000-yen bill. Shigechi just catch up with them with a St. Gentleman's bag in his possession. Cece tenses up to see the bag. "You guys didn't wait up on me!" He tells the boys. Then, Shigechi saw Cece. "O-Oh, Ma'am." He greets the woman. 

It seems that Shigechi has a tiny fear towards the woman from their last interaction. After all, Cece looked pretty scary when she is angry. "Call me Cece." She tries to be friendly. Okuyasu holds back a laugh at the sight. "Hey, let's hurry up and go to St. Gentlemen before they're gonna sell out." He spoke up. The boys agree with Cece coming along for the ride. The sight of Kira's purple suit from behind a tree tells her that Shigechi stole Kira's bag already. 

She walks besides Shigechi's right with her back to Kira who is stalking them at a distance. "So, what do you order?" Cece decides to make small talk with the short boy. "Katsu sandwich, they taste so good. But they are gone quick." Shigechi replies. Josuke and Okuyasu move towards St. Gentlemen, leaving the two behind.

Kira glares at the bag in Shigechi's possession. It is impossible to grab it now since the woman is beside him. He tells himself to be patient as he will grab the bag soon. Within seconds, Josuke and Okuyasu comes back with a frown. "Shigechi, you're super lucky. Damn it!" Okuyasu grumbles to himself. Sadly, the sandwiches were already sold out. "Oh really? In that case, I guess I wouldn't mind selling you mine for 10,000 yen~" Shigechi offers. The boys reject the offer then their eyes move to Cece with her large bag. 

"Do you know you are my favorite Sis~?" 

Cece blankly stares at Josuke, "I am your only Sis." Unfazed by Josuke's words, he attempts to do a puppy face with his blue eyes and tiny pout. Still feeling Kira's presence close by, Cece let out a sigh. "Fine." Opening the bag, she pulls out her chicken sandwich. Josuke thanks Cece with a smile of victory. "You guys split it and get something from the convenient store close to my store." Cece suggests, "...I have some drinks too if you guys want to eat there." The boys nearly tear up at the offer like she is a saint to them. "You're the best!" The boys cried out in which Cece let out a sigh. 


Kira isn't having not a relaxing lunch like he supposes to. His plan to take back his bag is foiled by a simple-minded boy and a bookstore owner. His years of a peaceful life will end if they open the bag to see his love of his life. He comes to a stop and stands at the corner of the store. The boys just enter the bookstore with Cece closing the door behind her. Kira curses under his breath to hear a click, telling him that she lock the store. He can't go close to her shop as the front of her shop has long glass windows. Panic slowly creeps in. 

What has he had to do to take back the bag?

A dark form with piercing cat eyes begins to take form behind Kira. He will do anything to bring peace back to his life once again. Two words form in his mind. 

Killer Queen


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