Anahita vs Killer Queen

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Cece guides the boys to her breakroom at the back of the store. The doorway towards the back room is only covered by a long curtain. It has shelves of seal boxes against the walls. In the middle of the room, there is a wooden table with two seats. At the right side of the room is a mini fridge with a wooden counter and metal sink. Next to the fridge is a small shelf full of chips and other snacks. Before the boys make themselves comfortable, Cece spoke up. "Sorry guys to be a bringer of bad news but someone was following us." This shock Josuke and Okuyasu while Shigechi almost let out a shout, but Josuke covers his mouth to avoid drawing attention to themselves. His eyes connect with Cece's.


"He has been following us since we walk through the park...You can't really hide yourself with a purple suit like his." Cece mutters the last sentence under her breath. She wonders how anyone could really not see how much attention one could get if someone wear a purple suit like Kira. Okuyasu and Josuke look at each other. They know her well not to joke around with something serious like this. 

"Why is he following us? We didn't do anything wrong, right?" Shigechi whispers. Josuke tries to think of a plan. "Do you think he is a stand user?" Okuyasu had to ask. Cece mentally thanks Okuyasu for bring that topic up. His statement is believable since Stand users attract each other. At least they are on the right track. "If that man is a Stand user, we should be careful." Cece adds. She had to be careful with hinting the boys of Kira's stand. As much she wants to tell them about Killer Queen, she doesn't have proof to support her statement. 

"Right." Okuyasu and Josuke agrees with the woman. They tense up to hear the wall clock in the store chime once to tell the students that lunchtime is almost over. The only noise in this room is the clock ticking away with the company of everyone's breathing. Cece decides to the first one to move from her spot. She silently motions the boys to stay back at a safe distance. She quietly tells them to only observe. Josuke wants to help the woman but a single look from her tells him to stay with his friends. All of them begin to observe the fight since it will give them a chance to see any weakness this stand has. 

She fears that if they do fight him, then it would mean the end for them. After all, this isn't a fictional story where Cece could only watch. This is their reality where they live or die. 

Her eyes peer through the glass windows for any sign of Kira or his stand. There is no sign of both of them from where she is standing. Cece tries to maintain a calm exterior to show no sign of knowing that Kira is following them. If she shows any signs of fear or caution, he will know that he was discovered and probably flee the scene. Cece's eyes focus on the front door handle for a split second. A single thought runs through her mind. 

"Did he use Killer Queen to change this knob into a bomb already?

Indeed, it might be possible that Kira uses his stand already, but she isn't too sure. Hell, Cece could feel her heart thumping hard against her chest from the tension weighing down her shoulders. She can't have her guard down since Killer Queen can turn any object into a bomb. At least she knew a good chunk of information of the enemy's stand. Cece decides to gamble her luck by reaching towards the door's knob. 

Just as she is reaching for the knob, she immediately felt something off. Just as her fingers brush the knob, a dark presence appears in front of her. Her eyes made contact a pair of cat eyes. Killer Queen looks down at the woman like she is his prey. His thumb lifts up as his hand forms a fist, mimicking someone pushing down a button. 

 Her lips utter her stand's name as everything happens in a blink of an eye. Anahita forms a barrier to shield her user from the bomb. Thanks to her quick thinking, it saved her from the trip to the morgue. The only thing she receive from her attack is burned fingertips. She glares at the cat stand who simply stares at her with its beady eyes. There is no sign of Kira, it seems that he wants to keep his identity a secret since the boys are here with her. He thought that he will make quick work of Cece since she separates herself from the group. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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