Palms are Sweaty!

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Kakyoin couldn't help but worry over the love of his life. The man starts to wonder if something like this will happen again. To think that someone with a stand could manipulate someone especially her memories. 

What happens if he doesn't have the chance?

The chance to tell how he felt about her over these years...

He can't bear the thought of losing her again. A sharp breath left his lips. This time, he has to tell her how he felt about her. He can't dance around the subject since he kissed Cece on the lips. Sitting up from his bed, Kakyoin leaves to use the bathroom to freshen up and start the day right. While fixing his clothes, he lifts his head to the door when hearing a soft knock. Opening the door, Kakyoin greets Joseph with a smile. In Joseph's arms is Shizuka in a good mood this morning. He waves to Shizuka who coos in response. "Good morning to you too, Shizuka." Kakyoin adds. 

His attention turns back to Joseph. "What you bring you here, Mr. Joestar?" Kakyoin turns serious. Joseph only chuckles, "It's nothing serious, Kakyoin. I was wondering if you are going to visit Cece now?" Kakyoin's cheeks turn pink. "Yes, do you want to come to come along?" He asks. Joseph nods his head. He holds Shizuka, smiling gently. "Yes, I want to her to check if her stand can still weaken a stand's power. Maybe we can find out what Shizuka looks like." Kakyoin agrees with this plan. After all, they want to reunite Shizuka with her mother if possible. The men with Shizuka walk to Kakyoin's car. Kakyoin had to make sure that they brought Shizuka's bag and her stroller. Their next destination is Little Leaf's bookshop. 


The three of them approach the front door of Cece's shop. They found the woman on a step ladder to fix a sign on top of the bookcase. The chime made Cece turn to the front door. Her eyes brighten at the sight of them. She steps down from the ladder to walk towards them. "Good morning, Joseph." Cece greets them. She bents her head slightly to look inside the baby carriage. Shizuka greets the woman with a baby rattle in her hands. Her arms outstretch to Cece, wanting to be picked up by her. "Why hello there, little star sweeper~" Cece lifts Shizuka out of the carriage to hold her. Shizuka giggles from their cheek contact. 

She turns to Kakyoin. He saw her cheeks are light pink when making eye contact. "Noriaki, good morning." Her voice turns soft. Noriaki chuckles then gently smile at her. "Morning, Celia." He replies. She could feel her heart beating a bit faster when Kakyoin is around. Kakyoin could easily hold the woman from how close they are. 

Joseph could see the love between them. Shizuka spoke up in a wordless babble. They turn to Shizuka. "So, what brings you here today?" Cece clears her throat as if she was not lost in his eyes. "I would like your help, Cece. I wonder if your stand can weaken another stand's power like Shizuka's. If you can, then we can find her mother." Joseph suggests. Cece looks down at Shizuka, she left the baby girl to wrap her hand around her index finger

"I can do that but I will stop if it causes any stress on her." Joseph agrees with her conditions. Summoning Anahita, the stand waves to the infant. Shizuka waves to the stand. Before summoning her barrier, the stand summons a few water stars to distract her. Anahita forms a light barrier around Shizuka and Cece. The men saw her invisibility weaken slightly. They are able to see what she looks like. 

This isn't what Cece expected Shizuka to look like this. A lot of people would expect Shizuka to have black hair but no, she has light brown hair under her knitted hair. Shizuka bears pair of bright green eyes. Cece couldn't help but adore the baby girl in her arms. "Aren't you the most adorable baby ever?" Cece coos at the girl. Shizuka enjoys the extra attention from the woman. 

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