Emotional Reunion

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Arriving at the ship's port, the cruiser comes to a full stop. Kakyoin stood at Jotaro's left as the employees of the foundation are the first ones who step out from the bridge. His eyes land on the sight of wavy hair. Her back is on to them. In front of Cece is Josuke who is her patient for Anahita's healing. "There she is..." He thought in silence. His heart quickens at the sight when Cece steps to the side with her hands in her hips. His lips form a smile to see the familiar sight. 

Cece in her stern mother mode. 

Josuke yelps out when she gave a short cheek pinch. Before they fall into a long conversation, Koichi stops them to point at the boat. Josuke is able to meet his father for the first time. Cece watches the sight with a smile on her face. Just as she is about to speak up. Someone utters her first name instead of her nickname. Her throat tightens at the sound of his voice. 

Brown eyes made contact with purple eyes. They didn't dare to move or breathe. They can't believe this is happening. Kakyoin jumps when hearing Jotaro muttering to himself. "Go to her already...Yare Yare Daze. Don't you dare back out after looking for her so long." Kakyoin left his spot to walk down the metal bridge to approach the woman who still as a statue. 

Cece maintains eye contact with the man, her cheeks feeling hot. She wants to punch herself in the stomach to make sure this isn't a dream. No, this is happening. Every little moment is reality. 


"You still look beautiful after these years." Kakyoin spoke without thinking. All of them watch the scene with jaws drop open. Jotaro mutters under his breath. This is getting too awkward for even him to handle. "SERIOUSLY!" Josuke thought. The men watch Cece's face turns red as a cherry. With those words, she is reduced to a stuttering mess with her right index finger pointing at the man in front of him. "Y-Y-You....can't just say that!" Cece just barely to form coherent words. 

She can't believe this is happening! How she can maintain a friend-like relationship with Kakyoin if he says something like that?! Doesn't he have someone waiting for him?! No, she can't believe this is happening. 

A hint of pink colors his cheeks in response. "It's the truth." He declares without hesitation. Kakyoin takes a step closer to Cece. Even after these years, Kakyoin still wants to hold her and whisper loving words to her. There is one thing he wants to do now. "...Can I hold your hand?" Kakyoin asks in a gentle voice. Her mind screams to say no but her heart screams yes. Without words, her right hand met with his, locking hands together. Silence falls between them. Kakyoin let out a soft chuckle. "Heavenly." He comments out loud. 

Fuck...here comes the flood works...

Trying to be a mature adult flew out of the window. Cece can't hold her emotions back. Hot tears run down her cheeks. Snapping her head up to display her tears. "Y...you can't say something like that...N-Nor...Noriaki!" Her voice cracks, stomping her right foot on the ground. "Y-You...You suppose to...hate me...yell at me for leaving you guys! You are not supposed to act like this!" Kakyoin's expression softens. Josuke and the others watch the scene in silence. Josuke becomes still, shocked to see the woman tearing up in front of them. 

"Not act like what?" 

"L-Like you still cared about me...!" 

Cece becomes silent when his arms wrap around her figure, holding her close to his chest. Kakyoin rests his chin on top of her head. "Cece, I still care about you even after eleven years." His words reach her ears. Her heart skips a beat. "Why are you are still smooth after these years....?!" She thought to herself. Kakyoin pet the back of her head to comfort the woman. Her ear press against his chest, taking in the warmth. He listens to her cries reduce to tiny sniffles. Kakyoin finally felt peace with Cece in his embrace. There is another time for him to share his feelings with her.

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