Love Bites!

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"Wait, wait, are you serious?!" Cece couldn't believe what she is hearing. Kakyoin nods his head. "Yes, I'm afraid so...Akira admits that he had shot one person before he was captured by us." Kakyoin replies, "...Even shooting a field rat with the stand bow and arrow." Cece's right hand connects with her face. She almost forgot about that the rat problem. What put her on edge is the person he shot the arrow with. 

Just who is the person?

She lifts her head to look at Kakyoin. "Akira just told us that he shot the arrow at a young woman who is close to Josuke's age before he was caught by us that day." He told her. Cece asks if there is any more information. Kakyoin simply told her that Akira is keeping his mouth shut. Cece's left eye twitch. "Let me go to his cell, I'll make him talk." She declares. Kakyoin chuckles and kisses the top of her head. At least his action helps calm her down for now. "He did mention that her name is Koki." Kakyoin mentions. Cece looks at him. "And?" 

"...Akira did mention she is a pop idol called Aki-chan..." 

"What the fuck, Akira..."


It looks like they don't have to wait long for Koki to show up. Some flyers that bear the idol's name throughout Morioh. It seems the idol is popular since there is a large crowd of teenagers and young adults attending despite how late the concert is. The concert is in a large building with space for the audience to face the stage. "10 P.M...." Cece looks at her watch. Kakyoin gave her a sympathetic look. "So, we are dealing with a pop star...?" The question turns to Okuyasu and Josuke who are accompanying them on this mission. Kakyoin nods his head. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Sorry for calling you both here especially this late." Josuke shakes his head. "It's no problem as long we finish this quickly." Kakyoin and Cece agree. Then, Josuke looks at both of them. 

"...Although, I don't understand why are you wearing that." He spoke up. Kakyoin wore a black t-shirt with the popstar's face on it with blue jeans and sneakers. He wore tinted black glasses with red frames. Cece wore a matching shirt as Kakyoin, although a bit larger to be as a dress. With her shirt, she wore red tights and black boots. "Well, our normal clothes would stand out in here. It's called a disguise." Cece replies with a smirk. Kakyoin holds her right hand. "An excellent choice, don't you think?" He asks. The teens simply nod their heads. Okuyasu leans a bit close to Josuke. They watch Cece take out a pair of glowsticks from her bag. "What's a concert without glowsticks?" She grins wide. "Do you think they are having a bit too fun wearing that?" Josuke nods his head. It felt like two grown-ups trying to act like teenagers. 

"So lame...!" The teens thought. 

"HELLO, MORIOH!" A female voice comes from the large speakers that are on both sides of the stage. The crowd cheers at the sound of the voice. Her stage name is chanted among the crowd. The stage lights turn off for a second as fog rolls on the stage. "Are you ready to have some fun?!" More chants respond to her question. "I'm ready, Aki-chan!!!!" Okuyasu cries out from the hype. Josuke and the others turn to Okuyasu. He has tears rolling down his face from joy. "You are getting into it...Okuyasu..." Josuke spoke up. The stage lights turn on, the color of blue lands on one figure appearing on stage. 

A fifteen year old girl with bright red hair tied into large hair buns. She has honey-colored eyes. Koki wore a dark gray dress with puffy short sleeves. Her puffy dress reaches above her knees. A large red bow rest above her chest with two smaller ones on her sleeves. She wore a black boot with red lace on her right foot. Her left foot is a red Mary Jane shoe. On top of her head is a large black bow with pink lace. 

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