Hello again

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Visiting Reimi, Cece told what recently happen over a bag of snacks and soda. She shares the story of her date, Reimi's expression brightens. The teenager held her pink cheeks as she expresses her joy like any teenager. "How romantic!" Reimi giggles. Cece sat on the concrete floor with her back against the solid wall. She sips from her can of soda. Her lips form a soft smile. "Yeah, I wouldn't trade him for anything else." Reimi's eyes sparkle and a smile formed on her face. 

"So...anything else happened....?" 

Her answer is met with the sound of Cece's long sip. Reimi let out a teasing 'oh ho~'. With a cat-like grin, Reimi scoots closer to Cece's left side. "So, the both of you did 'it'?" She pries for more details. Cece sputters and coughs out soda from her lips. The burning sensation hit her nose. Reimi saw the woman's cheeks turn dark pink - possibly from embarrassment or pain. 

Quickly, Reimi pats Cece's back. Coughs left Cece's lips. "Ugh...w-why you have to ask that while I was drinking soda." Cece croaks out. Reimi apologizes to her in response. Cece waves off her apology. Before they could change the subject, Reimi lifts her head to look at her right. "There are two people here." Cece helps herself with a bag of potato chips. 

Right on time, Cece saw Rohan and Koichi walk past them. It seems that they didn't notice them and their little snack party. "Oh...we are moving a bit closer to Kira's arc." Cece concludes if her memory serves her correctly. She finishes her bag of chips. Their back is to the ladies, they heard pieces of their conversation. It seems they are stuck in this place like a mouse in a maze. Reimi stood up from her seat to approach the duo. "Want me to show you the way?" She lends a helping hand to them. 

Munching a potato chip, Cece saw the both of them freak out in response. "That girl is a stand user!" Koichi sputters out. Cece decides to move up from her spot when seeing Rohan summoning Heaven's door to stop Reimi in her tracks. The Mangaka caught Reimi in his arms to see the pages from her face open. Koichi praises Rohan for his quick thinking to prevent Reimi from harming them. 

Rohan tells Koichi that Reimi is a normal person. "She's not an enemy then?" Koichi asks. Nothing can be hidden away from Heaven's door. "Her measurements are-" Cece slaps the back of the Mangaka's head to stop him from reading her measurements. Her sudden appearance surprises Koichi. "M-Miss Cece, you're here!" Cece glares at Rohan. "In the right time too." Rohan lifts his head to meet with Cece's glare. He flinches when seeing her right hand curl up into a tight fist, ready to hit the Mangaka if he reads any further. 

Koichi shares the same thought. "If that girl is not a stand user, I won't allow you to read her private life!" Rohan looks at them when two people he respected didn't like what he is doing right now. "All right, All right! Don't get so angry!" Rohan replies, mostly directing it towards the angered woman. Rohan writes down a command, 'She'll forget everything that just happened.' Koichi let out a tired sigh, his eyes move to Cece. 

"Did you get stuck here, Cece?" 

Cece shakes her head, "Nah, I just spending time with a friend." Her response made the duo tilt their head in confusion. They look at Reimi that Cece called a friend of hers. After a second, Reimi woke up. "Want me to show you the way?" Reimi asks again. She motions them to follow her, even offering pocky to the young men. From their little exchange, Cece enjoys seeing Reimi's interaction with them. Reimi gave Rohan his pocky fortune. "Aw, you're going to get dumped by some girl." Rohan blankly looks at the ghost girl. Cece plays along with Reimi by patting the top of Rohan's left shoulder. "Don't worry there is more fish in the sea." She spoke up. 

Rohan turns to Cece who is holding back a smile. Reimi looks proud of herself for her fortune-telling skills even if it is not true. "What are you talking about?" Rohan asks out loud. Reimi offers pocky to Cece in which she helps herself happily. "You're selfish, aren't you?" She adds. Cece knows Reimi had hit the mark about Rohan. The mangaka denies her words by dragging Koichi into this. "She's completely off!" 

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