Dinner Party

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Kakyoin and Cece burst into Jotaro's room. "Jotaro-" Their words died in their throats when hearing soft crying. Their eyes land on something or someone in Joseph's arms. "Yosh, Yosh...it's okay." Joseph tries to comfort the baby in his arms. Their shoulders sag in relief to see Joseph safe and sound. "What happened?" Kakyoin decides to ask Jotaro. The man simply told them that Joseph and Josuke found a baby girl together. This baby is a stand user who can turn herself and the environment around her invisible if stressed out. 

The sight of baby products made Cece's eyes widen in shock. "T-they don't need this stuff!" Cece thought to herself when picking up two different bottle nipples. "Where did you get these stuff?" Cece asks Jotaro. The man simply sighs, "The old man buy them." She facepalms in response. He should have called her to help. Kakyoin chuckles, "It must be an adventure." He becomes quiet when the crying is a bit louder. Cece puts down the products to approach Joseph's side to look down at the baby. 

She saw that Joseph had put makeup on the baby's face to tell where the face is. "Can I?" Cece asks Joseph. He looks worried but calmly hands the baby to Cece. To hopefully calm the baby, Cece summons Anahita to create water orbs in the air. The orbs form into small stars floating around in the air. The cries cease when seeing the water stars and the moon. The baby lifts her hands to hopefully touch one of the stars.

Cece begins to hum in a soft voice. "La la lu...Oh, my little star sweeper. I'll sweep the stardust for you~" She sings to the baby, "Little soft fluffy sleeper. Here comes a pink cloud for you... La la lu, Little wandering angel. Fold up your wings, close eyes~." Cece made the stars float around them. Her words lull the baby into a sense of comfort and security. She moves to the baby to the portable pink baby bed set on Joseph's bedding. "May love be your keeper..." Her voice carries in the air. Thankfully her song pulls the baby into a deep slumber. 

"There now, little star sweeper. Dream on..." Cece covers the baby's body with a soft yellow blanket. With a sigh, she turns to the men who watch the scene in silence. In response, her cheeks turn pink when making eye contact with Kakyoin. Oh man, he saw her acting like this. He won't live this down for a moment. "C-Come on, you know I take care of my baby brother..." She mutters in a quiet voice. Joseph chuckles, "Of course, and yet you are natural with it." They move to take a seat at the coffee table. Joseph and Cece take the couch while Kakyoin and Jotaro take their seats. A cup of green tea is served to them. 

Cece explains Josuke's swearing vengeance on his elderly father through the phone. "We drove here by car because we thought Mr. Joestar was in trouble." Kakyoin adds. The feeling of nostalgia made him smile when riding with Cece in her car. Even after all these years, she still rides like a professional drifter. "Ah, sorry..." Joseph apologizes to both of them. They wave off his apology since they are glad that everyone is safe. "Now, we have a stand user baby. Do we even know her name?" Kakyoin decides to ask. 

"We have the foundation and the police look for her mother." Jotaro replies, "Old man decides to call her Shizuka in the meantime." Cece nods her head. It is a shame that no one knows who the mother of Shizuka is. The invisible baby, Shizuka will be adopted by the Joestar family soon. "I guess I will go home and retire for the night. Call me if you need help with anything." Cece smiles at them, leaving her seat. An idea forms in her head, "Oh yeah all of  you are invited to my house for dinner tomorrow night - we are having hot pot." Cece told them, 

"Seven P.M. sharp." She adds then leaves the room with a wide smile on her face. Cece returns to her house to retire for the night.


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