Boys will be Boys

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Rohan and Koichi were relieved to see the woman's eyes open again. Cece let the mangaka boast about his quick thinking for saving her. She is mentally drained from today. She decides to retire back to her comfortable home. The thought of laying on her bed feels like she discovers freaking Narnia. 


Cece looks down at her reflection from a cup of tea she made for herself. She was hoping that a cup of tea could calm her nerves. The sight of her somber expression tells her otherwise. Even telling God her final words, Cece felt a bit sad as she will miss the impressionable God and her last connection of her previous life. No one in this world will know Cece's previous life. They will only know this Cece unless she tells them the truth. But telling her friends the truth will be hard since it will only be a word of mouth from her. 

With a heavy sigh, Cece took a long sip from her tea. "So long, friend." She spoke in a soft voice after finishing her tea. For God to give her this chance again, she will not waste it and use her powers to protect those she cares about. 


Cece didn't expect seeing the stand, Harvest so soon. The woman was just sweeping away the dirt from her store's entrance with her trusty broom. Something shiny caught her eyes while sweeping. As she just picks up the object to be a 100 Yen coin, Harvest runs up to grab the other end of the coin. Blinking at the tiny stand with gold and purple stripes, Harvest runs away from the woman with the coin in its possession. "That's something you don't see every day." Cece thought to herself. Then again, people who don't have stands don't see what she and her friends see. 

Shrugging her shoulders, she resumes sweeping to get ready for the day. Just as she sweeps away the last grain of dirt, a sudden thought pop up in her head. With a blank expression on her face, Cece remembers Josuke and Okuyasu's crazy day with Harvest's user. "Oh...I need to remind myself to smack those boys when I see them." She thought to herself. The thought of those boys using the naive user for their own gain made her blood boil. "Tomoko raised you better than that, Josuke!" She grumbles under her breath, "I need to lecture those three boys!" With a short huff, she has to be patient until the boys visit her, or she will hunt them down after closing time.


"What a day." Cece stretches her arms in the air, releasing some tension from her body. Another good day for her shop as she has customers from old to young people. Standing behind the register, she opens a bottle of water for a drink. It is fairly quiet on her street right now. Taking a sip from her water bottle, she had opened a bag of chips as her snack. Quietly munching on her chips, her eyes wander to glass windows at the front of her store. Before partaking another chip, her store phone rings. 

Swallowing her chip, Cece quickly picks up the phone to answer. "Hello, Little Leaf's bookstore! How may I help you?" She heard a familiar chuckle from the other line. Instantly her cheeks felt warm. "Is that what you called your 'customer service' voice?" Kakyoin teases the woman, "I have to admit, it's adorable to hear you from the other line.

"N-Noriaki!" Cece hisses, her cheeks turning red when hearing him holding back his chuckle. "All right! All right, I'll stop the teasing...for now." Kakyoin promises his girlfriend. Cece attempts to calm her flaming cheeks by clearing her throat. "No teasing during work hours. It's not good for my heart..." Her soft voice is heard from the other side. 

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