Stone him!

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"Everything but canned drinks and food is dangerous." Jotaro told the both of them, "So don't consume anything else." He glances at Josuke sitting in his seat. Jotaro could see how much he wants to beat down Angelo. At least Tomoko is staying with relatives while they take care of the pest. Even mentioning his name sets off Josuke, he looks at the teenager who told them that he is fine. The distorted furniture behind Josuke says otherwise. 

"Well, this is your furniture. It's up to you if you want to take out your anger on it." Jotaro comments. Cece enters the kitchen, holding a wrench in her hand. "I'm back and I cut off the main water supply line to this house. So, it will be a bit more tricky for him to get here." She told them, putting the wrench on the table. "Good." Jotaro replies. He glances at the scar on Josuke's lip. "Can't your stand heal your wounds?" With a sigh, Josuke tells him that his stand can't heal himself. 

He will be vulnerable to Aqua's attack if his body is invaded. "If he invades me, I lose." Josuke replies. From the shadows, Angelo watches the three of them from the window. He has to be careful especially around Cece since her stand can control water. He will lay in wait for a certain day to come. 


Three days and no sign of Angelo or his stand. Cece looks out the window to see the dark clouds. At first sight of rain, Cece runs to the kitchen to see the pot and kettle fill with water begin to boil on top of the stove. She quickly turns off the oven to slam the pot and kettle in the sink. She is able to dump the water down the sink. Steam fills the kitchen.

"Josuke! Cece!" Jotaro's voice carries in the room. Josuke and Jotaro enter the kitchen to see Cece summoning her stand. She is ready to trap the stand in her grip. "He boiled the water but tried the water facets but it doesn't work." Josuke spoke up. Jotaro told them that the stand has entered the household. "He wasn't waiting for you to drink the water. He was just waiting for the rain. That stand can move freely into liquids." 

Cece turns to them. Their eyes widen to see the steam revealing the stand. "Cece! Get away from the steam!" Jotaro warns her, "The steam is him!" She felt the stand try to enter her mouth and ears. "Anahita!" Her blue eyes glow as white hands move to the steam. The steam in her hands turns into floating droplets of water. The droplets form together into a small body of water. Josuke summons Crazy Diamond to crush the glass bottle from the table to trap the stand. The water enters the repaired bottle to see no stand inside. "Shit! He escaped...!" Josuke exclaims. 

She clicks her tongue, it looks like he is faster in different forms. Using Anahita, she can to turn the steam around her into water. She sends the water into the sink. "Let's get out here." Cece told the others. A drop of water fall from the ceiling. It seems that Angelo made holes in the roof for more water to come in. Now, it is dangerous to go anywhere right now. They left the kitchen to the hallway to see steam throughout the house. It comes from the two bathrooms in the house. "Shit, did Angelo fix the pipeline?" She thought to herself. 

Well, Cece hoped that he is a dumbass but she was proven wrong. "Hmph, I never thought a power that uses water could be this terrifying." Jotaro glances at Cece. Anahita uses her powers to collect water nearby her to form at her hands. Jotaro moves away to avoid a water drop on his shoulder. 

Cece's lips form a smile. Jotaro could see how calm Cece is right now. Josuke broke the silence with a chuckle. "What's so funny? We're trapped." Jotaro's words are met with chuckles from Josuke. "I mean, Jotaro. The guy who killed my Gramps is this close. This is just great!" Josuke spoke up. Aqua necklace in his steam form moves towards Jotaro's throat. 

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