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"How long does this take to show up? It feels like it's been hours."

"You have to be patient, San. I'm nervous too."

Yeosang chuckles from his recliner in the living room, with Archer napping on his chest as the omega watches Seonghwa and San patiently wait in the hallway of the bathroom for Seonghwa's pregnancy test.

About two weeks have passed since San and Seonghwa have come back from the den, and everyone's fingers are crossed that their attempt at mating worked. Recently, the omega been acting a bit strange, like sticking closer to Wooyoung and cleaning when everything is already tidy, all of which can be side effects of pregnancy. But just to be sure and not to get everyone's hopes up, Seonghwa pulled San into the bathroom with him to watch the pregnancy test to see if it's positive.

But their nerves drove them to wait in the hallway to get support from Yeosang, who's currently emitting calming pheromones to not only keep Archer asleep, but to calm San and Seonghwa down.

"It's alright San, Mingi was the same way while we waited to see if I was pregnant. Everything will be okay."

San nods as he takes a shaky breath to look at the pregnancy test once more, and with eyes that could bulge out of his head he drops the test on the ground and covers his mouth as to not wake up the napping pup.

"What!? Don't scare me like that! What are yo- OH MY GOD I'M PREGNANT-"


Suddenly, the door to Seonghwa and Wooyoung's room flies open as Jongho burst into the hallway with Wooyoung hanging onto his shoulder to help him walk.

The omega has been recovering nicely and doing well with his pregnancy, his due date being any day now, but he's still a bit weak and needs someone to help him walk around, so while San and Seonghwa waited for the test, Jongho sat with him to help calm his nerves.

"Hwa..You're pregnant? We're gonna have two little pups to look after together?" Wooyoung's eyes get teary as he looks at his mate, and Seonghwa full on starts to sob as he hugs his omega as tight as he can without hurting him.

Soon, the rest of the pack files into the living room to watch the pile of crying wolves as Jongho and San join the sobbing omegas, and even with all the crying, nothing but happy omega and alpha pheromones fill the air.

After congratulations are given and tears are wiped, Yunho suggest they have a celebration lunch, using the good meat they had saved in the freezer for occasions like this. While the other alphas start to go outside to pull out the grill and the other omegas, all but Wooyoung, start to prep the food, Mingi follows Yeosang as he goes to put their son down for a nap, the pup a bit too tired to enjoy festivities.

"I'm so happy for them, they really deserve this." Yeosang grins as he watches his son sleep, and he shivers as he feels Mingi wrap his arms around him.

"Yeah, they do. They're gonna have two little pups to watch after."

Yeosang doesn't take Mingi's words into consideration until he feels his breath on his neck, and his hands starting to roam.


"What if we gave Archer a sibling?" Mingi purred in his ear.

Yeosang blushed instantly and shivered when he felt his wolf stir with excitement. He would be lying if he said it didn't interest him. He had absolutely loved being pregnant, growing a pup inside him had been the most fulfilling few moths of his life.

Which is exactly why he spun around in his alpha's arms and looped his arms around Mingi's neck. "Really?"

A soft smile came to Mingi's face and the alpha smiled. "Yes. I would love to have another pup with you."

"Do you think we have time? We are supposed to be hel-"

Mingi cut him off by claiming his omega's mouth with his own. They both groaned instantly and started to shuffle back toward their bed.

Once they fell back onto the soft surface, clothes were stripped and tossed aside, limbs tangled together, and soft whimpers and moans filled the air.

The others had to know by now that they weren't coming back, so Yeosang hoped they would continue on with celebrating. But that was a fleeting thought that disappeared the second Mingi latched onto one of his nipples.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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