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Things changed in the household fairly drastically after Wooyoung and Seonghwa revealed their past. Their hosts were kind and accepting, making the couple feel welcome and safe under their roof.

Wooyoung loved that he and Seonghwa could finally act like the couple they were. His wolf was slowly starting to come to terms that it was mated to another omega and it showed several times that it missed Seonghwa's touch.

His favorite was when Seonghwa would come up behind him and wrap his arms around his waist. They would stand there for a long moment, and if they were alone then the older would place several kisses on and around the mark on Wooyoung's neck.

The only hard part, however, was the fact that Jongho was still giving him the cold shoulder.

Wooyoung couldn't blame him... Jongho seemed like an honorable wolf and the fact that Wooyoung had lied straight to his face seemed to be reason enough for the alpha to avoid him.

It hurt more than Wooyoung wanted to admit because he thought the two of them were friends. At least he considered the alpha his friend. Maybe the feeling wasn't returned though.

He often found himself looking for the alpha whenever a door opened, only to be disappointed when it was someone else coming into he room.

Jongho spent a lot of time out of the house, only joining them for dinner. It sounded like he went on hunts with Mingi and Hongjoong, but other than that, he spent a lot of time outside.

When Wooyoung asked San about it, the older alpha said that Jongho just needed some time.

Something had happened between the two of them as well. There were many times Wooyoung walked in on whispered conversations between them that sounded like Jongho was trying to apologize, only for it to break apart once Jongho realized Wooyoung was there.

Their original group of four was falling apart.

Wooyoung sighed to himself as he slowly scrubbed the pan that had been used to fix dinner. Even in an house full of people, it was hard for him to not feel alone sometimes.

Hongjoong and Yunho had gone for a moonlit walk while Mingi and Yeosang were cuddled up on the couch together. Mingi was rubbing slow circles on the dozing omega's stomach.

Seonghwa had left to go take a shower some time ago and the alpha pair were nowhere to be seen.

Wooyoung started to dry the pan, wanting nothing more than to go lay down for a bit once he was done, when there was a knock on the front door.

Mingi and Yeosang sat up a little straighter and exchanged a questioning glance.

They weren't expecting anyone, so who would be coming here this late at night?

Wooyoung set down the pan and called for Seonghwa.

Mingi motioned for them to stay back as he walked to the door.

Yeosang moved to come stand by Wooyoung and Seonghwa appeared seconds later, his hair still dripping wet. "What's going on?" He asked, moving Wooyoung behind him.

Mingi turned and placed a finger to his lips, then turned back to the door and pulled it open. "Yes?"

"Forgive us for the late hour." A man's voice came from outside.

"You better have a good reason for this. I have a pregnant omega who needs his rest." Mingi growled, crossing his arms.

"We will make this quick then." The man continued.

His voice sent a chill down Wooyoung's spine and he froze. He knew that voice.

Hwa... We need to leave. That's one of the palace guards. Wooyoung tugged on his sleeve and tried not to make a sound.

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