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Seonghwa paced endlessly in his room. He hadn't slept for almost two days now and even though there was a fresh plate of food on the table at the end of his bed, it remained untouched.

He had been serious about killing himself if his parents didn't change things, and this was his way of starting. The only thing he allowed himself was some water to keep himself hydrated. As long as he could feel the link with Wooyoung, he would do the bare minimum.

His father had locked him in his old bedroom. It was weird for him to be in here as it was so much nice than the attic room back at Mingi's house.

But this was not home.

He didn't want to be here.

And his mother wasn't helping.

She kept coming in begging him to change his mind and telling him just how much she missed him. "It's been so lonely here without you. Your father has spend all his time on the road trying to find you after that runt kidnapped you."

"Don't talk about my mate that way." Seonghwa snapped at her.

It earned him a deadly glare and a flash of brilliant blue eyes. "You need to stop telling yourself that lie. It's obvious that he's poisoned you or bewitched you so you would say that. I just don't understand what he was hoping to get out of this. If he wanted money then he's in for a big surprise now."

"If you're going to sit there and insult Wooyoung, then get out." Seonghwa could feel his rage rising every moment he spent in her presence.

The worst thing was the fact that there were still omega servants coming to bring him food and try to dress him for the day. His parents were trying to act like nothing had happened.

"Now, Seonghwa. That is no way to speak to your mother. You should be ashamed of yourself." She spat. "I don't care what you say, I know what is best for you. I have a doctor coming in to examine you and find out what that little runt did to you." She spun around and locked the door to his room behind her.

Seonghwa had spend several minutes throwing all of his pillows at the door and yelling at the top of his lungs after that.

He would have thrown something breakable, but he didn't want to burden the servants with any extra work because of his outbursts.

True to her word, the doctor showed up later that evening. Her mother knew how to trap him because it was a kind, older omega who carried everything around in a large bag.

Seonghwa couldn't find it in himself to be mean to the man, even with both his parents standing in the corner of the room.

"Hello, Sir. My name is Ozzie and I'm going to just run a few tests on you today, ok?" With a nod, the omega started listening to his heart and taking a few vitals.

Blue Star was and advanced enough pack that they could afford some of the devices that the humans had invented, and they we3re able to make a few improvements of their own to them. So the thing they used to listen to his heart also tested the health of his wolf.

How it did that, Seonghwa had no idea, but it was how they determined he would probably be an omega before he had even presented as one.

"Are you feeling sick at all? Do you have moments were you can't seem to remember where you were or what you did? Or any other kind of memory loss?"

"No, no, and no. I promise, no matter what they say, I am not bewitched or being controlled in any way." Seonghwa said, trying to stay calm.

"I'll be the judge of that." Ozzie gave him a kind smile then placed his hands on either side of Seonghwa's temple. "Just relax for me."

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